Your #Career : 4 Mistakes That Are Sabotaging Your Work-Life Balance…Do you Practically Live at Work? Better question: Do you Constantly Think about your Work away from Work (i.e. home, vacations, family gathering, etc.) ?

Achieving a healthy balance between work and your personal life is possible, but it can be difficult. If you want to overcome those difficulties, you’ll have to make an effort to put an end to some of your bad habits. It’s possible you could be standing in your own way.

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Here are four behaviors you must change if you want to create symmetry between your work and personal life.

1. Not using your vacation days

Failing to use vacation time will leave you stressed out, overwhelmed, and more likely to make mistakes on the job. While you may be concerned about returning to a pile of work, you need time to recharge. Research published by Project Time Off found that employees are also hesitant to take vacation because they fear they will be seen as replaceable. Furthermore, employees are leaving vacation days on the table in response to concerns they will be seen as less dedicated to their company.

 However, the results of giving in to these fears and concerns can have negative effects on your overall well-being. Studies have found that overwork can make you sick. If you want to have a more balanced life, it will be important for you to get away from the office from time to time. You’ll be happier, healthier, and have more energy to enjoy life.

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2. Relying too heavily on technology

Technology is a great way to stay on top of your work and communicate with co-workers, but it can rob you of sleep and productivity. Between answering emails all day and constantly checking your mobile phone for updates, it can be hard to get quality down time or rest. A Bank of America trends report found that 71% of respondents sleep with their smartphones and about 23% fall asleep with their devices still in their hand. Set aside some time each day where you abandon all the tech in your life. Resisting the impulse to stay connected 24 hours a day will help you have more peace of mind.

3. Saying ‘yes’ when you should be saying ‘no’

You don’t have to accept every special project or do every favor that comes your way. It is important to set boundaries so you can avoid spending every waking moment at work. While being a team player is great, you also have to recognize when you are being stretched too thin.

“Keep in mind that being overloaded is individual. Just because your co-worker can juggle 10 committees with seeming ease doesn’t mean you should be able to. Only you can know what’s too much for you,” said the Mayo Clinic.

4. Not planning ahead

Your work will start to melt into your personal life if you don’t engage in proper planning. One way to achieve some sense of balance is to draft a to-do list. This list will keep you on track and help you make room for things outside of work.

“At its most basic form, planning is nothing more than figuring out how you will get from one place to another. Every day people plan: people make a list of things to buy at the grocery store, workers determine the best route to travel to and from work each day, and we plan out how to finance that new car,” said management expert John R. Knotts.

Follow Sheiresa on Twitter and Facebook. | January 2016 |