
#CareerAdvice – Starting Your Own Home Business. Ideas & Tips to Get Started…Whether you are Finally Ready to Be your Own Boss or you Simply Want a Way to Make some Extra Money in your Free Time, it’s Never been Easier to Start your own #HomeBasedBusiness .

Whether you are finally ready to be your own boss or you simply want a way to make some extra money in your free time, it’s never been easier to start your own home-based businessSocial media and the gig economy are great tools that help new businesses reach out to their client base and make money.

Furthermore, there has been a shift in attitudes regarding where they want to spend their money. A recent Gallup poll shows two-thirds of the American public have confidence in small businesses. Now is definitely the time to strike while the iron is hot. 

 The Right Business Idea for You 

If you want to start your own business, working with what you are passionate about can give you an edge over competitors. People can sense phoniness, so if you are just pretending to love your product or business, they can tell. When you’re passionate about what you are doing, it stands to reason that you will enjoy the work more rather than look at it as a burden to bear.  

Luckily, there are tons of niche products that you can get your hands on; from selfie drones to HIIT equipment to smartwatches, people are looking for the next hip thing to spend their money on, and you could be the one to give it to them. There are also a number of services you can provide (consulting, pet sitting, etc.) that people will pay good money for. Once you’ve picked out your product or service, the hard part is reaching these clients.  

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What Skill Sets do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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How to Get Your First Clients 

Without clients, your business has no purpose. But it’s a big world out there, and it can be a lot of work sifting through the noise to find those who will really benefit from your service or product. It helps to start with the network you already have: friends and family. When reaching out to these people, make sure you put thought into your messages and make each one personalized.
Explain to your loved ones why this business is important to you and where you see it in the future. If you want people to share your brand or follow you on social media, ask these questions directly — your friends and family
are likely not mind

Other ways to find clients 

  • Social crowdfunding

  • Collaborate with an influencer or brand in your field

  • Do pro-bono work for exposure

  • Paid advertising

  • Craigslist

  • Social media

  • Online deals sites

  • Snail mail marketing

  • Online forums

  • Email
  • Giveaways or challenges

  • Press release

  • Community outreach

Staying Productive as a Home Business 

When you work from home, the distractions are endless. It takes a lot of discipline and control to stay productive. The best thing you can do for your business is set up a designated workspace or office where you can switch your mind to “work mode” as soon as you step inside. Talk with your family or roommates about certain hours you wish to be undisturbed so you can avoid the distraction of traffic coming in and out of your office.

Furthermore, avoid working in your pajamas. Getting fully dressed — including shoes — is a great way to kickstart your body into thinking it’s at the office rather than relaxing at home. 

 Finally, never underestimate the power of taking a break. Breaks refresh your brain and prevent burnout. They can also prevent “decision fatigue,” which can hinder productivity if you experience it. If you are feeling stuck, bored, or tired while working, head outside for a short walk and get some fresh air and sunshine. Doing so will clear out brain fog and restore energy so you can achieve your business goals.  

 Starting a home business today is easier than ever, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t work to be done. When figuring out your business idea, picking out something you are passionate about will give you an edge over competitors. Use outreach to gather a client base and support your brand. Finally, stay productive by working from home by establishing an office and approaching each day with intention. 


FSC Career Blog | September 19, 2018 | Larry Mager – FSC Career Blog Writer/Contributor



Your #Career : Starting A #SideProject In 2018? Here’s How To Make It Successful..While some #Projects go on to Become a Full-Time Business, Even the Ones that Eventually Fizzle Out Serve an Important Purpose.

For businesses, giving resources and time to side projects has proven over and over to be worth it. Slack, everyone’s favorite communication hub, started life as a simple tool for a group of game developers.

“While some projects do go on to become a full-time business, even the ones that eventually fizzle out serve an important purpose. Building and launching a side project is about the experience, and the people you meet along the way.”

Side projects help us uncover new interests, promote divergent thinking (one of the building blocks of creativity), and can potentially take your life in an unexpected direction. However, that’s also what makes them scary. They require time and money–and more importantly, you’ll need enough motivation from the meaning the side project brings to keep going when it’s tough.

So what makes a personal side project successful? After reading the stories of 10 creators, I found these 7 common “ingredients” for starting, building, and launching a successful personal side project.


As Julie Zhou, product design VP at Facebook and avid side project champion explains, “Side projects work best when they live at the interaction of ‘Things you enjoy’ and ‘Things that help you practice a marketable skill.’”

While this is simple in theory, it can quickly get murky. Start a side project solely because it will help you get ahead in your own job and you run the risk of that project becoming just an extension of your work. Rather than feeling motivated to spend time on it, you’ll approach it just like another task on your work to-do list.

However, if your project doesn’t help you build a skill you can use in other parts of your life, you’re just having fun. Which is fine, of course. But won’t necessarily bring in a level of meaning to your life.

The goal then, as Zhou explains, is to find that sweet spot in the middle. A good litmus test is that side projects are typically productive, not consumptive. That’s not to say side projects have to be 100% focused on production.

For example, you may be interested in building an app, but not (yet) have the technical skills to do it. So step one would be to take an online course on app development. Then, throughout the course, you could work on the app, knowing it will take a while, but always with that goal keeping you motivated.

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Related: Your 5-Week Plan To Starting A Side Hustle Over Your Lunch Break


The hard thing about side projects is that there’s a lot more of us in them than in our usual work. When you’re having an off day in the office or on a work project, it can be easy to push through. You’re getting paid for this after all, right?

But when we’re doing something for ourselves, that mental strategy for motivating us falls short. According to freelance web designer-turned entrepreneur Paul Jarvis, to get over this hump, we need to treat our side projects as experiments.

“Experiments don’t “fail”—they simply prove or disprove a hypothesis. For example, despite my day job as a designer I had the hypothesis that I could also write an e-book. I then simply started writing. I didn’t focus on the outcome, how the book would be received or what others would think of it. I figured, ‘let’s give this a try’.”

The point here is that you’re simply trying something out with your side project. Rather than place the same level of importance on your side project as you do on your job, focus on getting something done. Getting early results will help you learn and grow.


If you want your side project to be more than just a hobby, successful creators say you need to learn how to talk about it.

Before he built multiple startups (which all started as side projects) and created one of the largest design communities in Israel, Sagi Shrieber was just another design student with one side interest: He felt passionately about starting the first design blog written in Hebrew. Rather than building it in private, however, Sagi took the stage at a local event and told the 300+ room what he was doing and when he would launch (even though he didn’t have anything made yet).

Going public with your side project can give you the momentum to go through with it and also help you find a community of like-minded people to help you along the way.

Related: Dear Art School Grads, Do What You Love, But Never For Free


Selling seems antithetical to creation. One is pure, unadulterated originality, the other simply squeezing hard-earned dollars and cents out of another person. But if you want your side project to be a success (and it’s something you plan on selling), this is the wrong way to think about it.

Successful side project creators don’t think about price, they think about value. If you value the work you’re doing, and you’re creating something that has meaning to you, then there should be someone else out there who feels the same way.

As a full-time marketing director, Noah Kagan was no stranger to the art of sales. Yet, when he launched his side project, AppSumo, he still fell into the trap of feeling guilty about asking for money. To get over this awkwardness about pricing, Noah reminds himself of a few simple facts every time he launches a new side project:

  1. Whatever you’re doing, you’re creating value for someone else.
  2. People pay for time. If you make something that helps them save time, they’ll feel good about paying for it.”
  3. It’s human nature to feel better about things we pay for. Going the free route isn’t always the best way if you want people to take your side project seriously.


Side projects are a great opportunity to not only learn new skills, but to work with people you’ve always wanted to. When we let other people into our creative process, we learn to challenge thoughts and values that have been so stubbornly ingrained in us.

When you’re planning your project, think about who you could include. Who would be a good partner? Who could you ask for feedback from early on? Who will challenge the way you think and push you into uncharted territory?


Big, audacious goals are great. But focusing too much on the potential end result of your side project can kill your motivation and leave you drained and bitter if things don’t go exactly as planned (and they never do).

Over the course of interviewing hundreds of people who’ve launched and grown side projects over the past few years, entrepreneur and side project coach Ryan Robinson found that the benefits aren’t always what they seemed at the beginning:

“While some projects do go on to become a full-time business, even the ones that eventually fizzle out serve an important purpose. Building and launching a side project is about the experience, and the people you meet along the way.” | January 6, 2018 |