
#YourCareer : Should I Quit or Resign? 3 Questions to Ask Before You Do. Before you Do ‘Be Smart About It’ . A MUst REAd!

It’s completely healthy and natural to take a step back and evaluate your current job situation occasionally. This is especially true if you used to be happy going to work every day, but now your attitude has changed for some reason. The knee-jerk reaction is to immediately start looking for another job, and possibly even resign from your current position abruptly when things aren’t going well.

However, before you visit the best resume writing service to help brush up your resume prior to resigning, consider these three questions.

1- What Do I Not Like About My Current Job?

Sometimes things aren’t really as bad as they seem, but sometimes they are. Taking a step back and truly identifying why you aren’t happy can help you determine whether the issues are fixable. You may just need to talk to your boss about a particular issue that’s been bugging you for a while. And if it’s been a long time since you’ve received a raise or a promotion, consider bringing it up in a professional way. Don’t simply jump into updating your LinkedIn profile to declare your intentions to find a new job until you know exactly why you don’t like your current job anymore.


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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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2- Is My Salary Comparable to Similar Executives?

The feeling of being underpaid is difficult. Sometimes you would feel better if you didn’t know what other executives with similar experience make. When your executive bio is similar to another executive’s, you naturally expect to be paid a similar salary. Get an idea of comparable salaries by looking at job boards and networking with others. If you truly are being underpaid, discuss the matter with your boss if you like everything about your job other than the salary. If you’re viewed as a valuable executive, you could get a significant raise to stay.


3- Am I On the Right Path to Achieve My Goals?

You should have both short-term and long-term goals as an executive. If you’ve been stuck with the same job responsibilities for a while but have higher aspirations, then it may be time to look at a different company to give your executive bio a boost. However, some businesses move slower than other businesses, so if you’re getting valuable experience, you may consider sticking around to see where it takes you. Of course, as with any position, you have to be happy in order to do a good job and put yourself in a better position for advancement.

If you’ve answered all of these questions and still feel like you need to resign, then be smart about it. Get yourself into the best financial position you can, don’t burn any bridges, and get your career documents ready for a job search.

FSC Career Coach:  Ms. Erin Kennedy, MCD, CMRW, CPRW, CERW, CEMC, is a Certified Professional Resume Writer/Career Consultant, and the President of Professional Resume Services, named one of Forbes “Top 100 Career Websites”. Considered an influencer, she is consistently listed as a “Top Career Expert to Follow” on Twitter and LinkedIn.


FSC Career Blog – March 1, 2021


#CareerAdvice : #QuitYourJob – 8 Signs you Should Quit your Job.

Many professionals examine their career in a harder, more critical way as the New Year starts, prompting them to reconsider how they’re pacing. Most of the time, this includes determining whether they should stay loyal to their employer—or start the process of applying elsewhere or going freelance.

Most Americans will spend far more time with their coworkers than their spouses, so remaining at a gig that doesn’t fulfill, challenge, or make you happy is not only a waste of time, but also energy and spirit. Instead of seeking the advice of career experts or coaches, many executives at leading companies have been through lots of professional ebbs and flows, so they recognize when it’s time to move on.

Here, they explicitly note the hints you might be missing that it’s time to quit your job. ASAP.


Julie Vessel, chief talent officer at MONO advertising agency, says it’s human nature to complain, since no one, nothing, and no job will ever be perfect. But professionals in the right jobs aren’t constantly stressing about their employment. When you finally sign off email, do you bring home a really poor attitude with your dirty dish from lunch? Toxic, consistent negativity could indicate your career is sucking your soul dry. “Can you leave your emotional baggage at work? If not, then maybe it’s time to think about what is causing you to dislike your job, and consider what you wish was different. Then, go in search of something that offers that,” she recommends.

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What Skill Sets do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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While you might think being comfortable and confident in your role is indicative of success, Julie Hansen, CEO of Babbel US, says it could mean the opposite. In fact, those who are able to thrive within their careers are those who are brave enough to be uncomfortable. After all, as her father taught her, the best time to seek out your next move is when things are going well. “If you wait until you’re unhappy, you run the risk of taking just anything that comes by in order to get out, instead of the right next thing,” she explains. “Having success in a position is great–it makes us happy to go to work every day, and more able to apply ourselves completely to solving problems. But when you’re in control, you’re much better positioned to take your time and make sure you’ve got all the answers before needing to jump.”


But is it, really? For those who consider themselves ambitious and set inspiring goals for both their careers and personal lives, a job is never merely just that. Instead, their 9 to 5 is an avenue where they propel their skills forward and dedicate themselves to a life of learning and progression. Vessel explains that when we begin to convince ourselves we shouldn’t care or expect so much, we are lowering our standards. “If this happens to you, use this as an opportunity to reflect on what it is that’s really, really bugging you. And beyond identifying the irritation, think about what it is you wish was different in your responsibilities, role, involvement, or team,” she explains. “If we give ourselves the chance to be honest, we can usually break it down to something specific about our work or role.” Depending on how close you are or how comfortable you feel, Vessel suggests finding a way to bring it up with your manager. “Before you jump ship to another job, give yourself the opportunity to see if what you’re missing or wanting can be attained where you are,” she says.


Being highly skilled and deciding you want to take on new responsibilities at work is one thing—and mindlessly going through the motions instead of being engaged is another. Every professional can reach a plateau in a job they’re great at, but this doesn’t mean they’ve reached the top. Rather, it’s more like you’re idling, waiting for your career to steer you instead of taking the wheel yourself. Vessel explains that when you’re not being challenged, you will eventually get bored and won’t be inspired. “If you’re content clocking in and clocking out without much change day to day, this isn’t the advice for you,” she explains. “For those of us who are entrepreneurial-minded, however, stagnation is a breeder of resentment: for your job, your same old boss. If you find yourself in a position where your job is the easiest thing you have to do all day, it’s time to make a move.”


Sure, after your birthday weekend surrounded by everyone you love, toasting the good times, heading into an 8 a.m. Monday budget meeting is a major buzzkill. Or those post-vacation blues? They’re definitely a real thing. However, Thomas MacNeil, chief technology officer at eSalon, says that never wanting to go to work could mean you’ve outgrown your gig. “This is the start of the discontent. You’ve switched from being passionate at work to feeling like you’re just trying to survive. There are always issues and problems at any job, you’re there to solve them, but whether you see them as challenges that help you grow or problems that burn you out is entirely perspective,” he says. Though you should discuss your concerns with your manager, if nothing can be rectified, it’s likely smart to seek pastures new that make you want to run to the office . . . instead of running away.


Sending over a client brief with a glaring error. Typing your email far too fast and making a grave typo. Scheduling meetings on top of one another. All of these fumbles happen, sure, but if they’re becoming the rule instead of the exception, it’s a sign you’re not concentrating fully. This could mean you’re not only disengaged, but that you’re no longer committed to your position, your manager, or your company, Vessel notes. It’s in your interest–and frankly, the interest of your coworkers and higher-ups—to ask for more responsibilities or find another gig that will keep you on your toes.


What’s unfortunate about starting at a new job is that you can’t predict the culture. Since all companies want to show the Instagram-filtered version of the office environment, you only know what really goes on between managers and coworkers once you’ve signed on the dotted line and joined the team. If over the past months—or even years—you’ve realized you’re in a toxic situation, founder and CEO of ABS Staffing Solutions Ariel Schur says it’s time to make a change. “It’s one thing for your boss to provide constructive feedback, but it’s quite another to be constantly mistreated or ridiculed. Having a toxic boss or negative work setting can make a job unbearable. Considering how many hours most people spend at their jobs, you don’t want it to be an unhealthy environment or agonizing daily situation,” she says. However, there is a difference between a one-off remark, or if it’s streaming from the top. “Assess whether there is potential for the situation to change by talking to your hiring manager or your boss’s boss, and if you have fully explored all avenues, it might be best to move on,” she says.


Everyone knows when they’re performing to their top potential—and when they’re struggling. Even people who thoroughly love their jobs will feel emotionally and physically drained during hectic seasons, especially when we only have so much energy to contribute to our work. However, if you’ve noticed a downward spiral in your overall health and your ability to concentrate, Chris Chuang, cofounder and CEO of Republic Wireless, says it could be more than stress, but a bad career fit. “Work can be your passion, but it should not come at the cost of your life and health . . . ever. If your job is a detriment to your health, and your role or company does not allow flexibility or resources to improve it, then it’s time to move on. No job is worth sacrificing the one body you have,” he urges. To identity the cause of your angst, try to set smarter work-life boundaries and see if your condition improves. And as Chuang says, any employer who won’t be empathetic to you feeling overworked and overwhelmed isn’t a place you want on your resume. | January 11, 2019 | BY LINDSAY TIGAR 7 MINUTE READ

Your #Career : Even If Your #NewJob Is a Bad Fit, Don’t Quit…How to Evaluate Whether the Challenges Can be Overcome or it’s Really a #ToxicWorkplace.

You’re psyched for your first day on a new job—until you arrive and find your new colleagues miserable, the atmosphere stifling or the boss overbearing and obnoxious.

Is it ever OK to quit on your first day? Making a wise decision requires pausing for a moment. The key is to distinguish between challenges you should try to overcome and fundamental problems that are true deal breakers.

More new hires are heading for the exits fast, employers and career coaches say. Two-thirds of employees have taken a job only to realize later that it was a bad fit, and half of those employees quit within six months, says a recent CareerBuilder survey of 3,697 U.S. employees. Many young workers have two or three jobs listed on their résumés by age 30 and leave out those that lasted less than a few weeks.

Lori Cheek quit after a few days on a furniture-sales job several years ago. She was exhausted by dragging a suitcase loaded with heavy product manuals around New York City all day on the subway to meet with customers, then continuing to work at the office until 8 p.m. She snapped up what looked like a better sales job at a showroom nearby, selling stylish designer furnishings.

“It was the worst decision ever,” Ms. Cheek says. Her supervisor on the first job, who had spent time training her, was deeply disappointed, and one manager on her new job pained her even more. “At first sight he could not stand the way I dressed. He wanted an Ann Taylor look, and I’m more Gwen Stefani, edgy,” Ms. Cheek says. She grudgingly toned down her jewelry, makeup and hair. To avoid earning a reputation as a job-hopper, however, she stuck with the new position for almost a year. Looking back, Ms. Cheek, owner of a free mobile dating app called Cheekd, wishes she’d stayed on the first job and tried to negotiate better terms and conditions.


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Starting a new job can be overwhelming. People under stress in situations that are uncertain or ambiguous tend to make decisions that are risky or unwise, according to a 2016 study by German researchers.

Quitting abruptly risks earning bad references from former bosses and their contacts. It also may mean living without a paycheck for a while.

Rob Hill was dismayed two years ago to learn that he was expected as a manager of a new manufacturing plant to work the 5 a.m.-to-5 p.m. shift, plus several more hours—a fact he says hadn’t been clear to him during interviews. He quit after two days. After working long hours on similar jobs in the past, “I just didn’t want to hurt like that anymore,” Mr. Hill says. He had to live on his savings for a month, but he landed a more fulfilling position, as director of operations for a Denver community foundation.

Before resigning abruptly, new hires should ask themselves if they’re giving the job a fair chance. New employees’ behavior helps determine the amount of support they receive, according to a 2017 study of 273 new hires and 203 managers. Those who seem committed to the job and ask questions get more help from managers, says Allison Marie Ellis, the study’s lead author and an assistant professor of management and human resources at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo.

Having a new hire quit is costly for employers. It forces them to restart the hiring process and damages morale. Several people Julie Jansen hired and trained as recruiters on a previous job years ago quit after only one day. “It was devastating. You think you know if someone is a fit, and then they just disappear,” says Ms. Jansen, author of “I Don’t Know What I Want, But I Know It’s Not This,” a best-selling career book.

It isn’t wise to exit just because you don’t like the person next to you or have to do grunt work all day. If the boss is abrasive, push back a bit. One intern at a Wall Street financial-services firm whose boss seemed unduly brusque asked him, “Are you just having a bad day, or are you always like this?” says Rebecca Zucker, a career and executive coach at Next Step Partners in San Francisco. The intern not only survived the exchange but earned better treatment from the boss, Ms. Zucker says.

Quitting early may be warranted if an employer tries a bait-and-switch—promising one job and assigning you to a different one, or violating other agreed-upon terms, says Chicago career coach Jody Michael. “If you’re told you’ll be reporting to the CEO, but in actuality there’s someone positioned between you and the CEO, that’s a problem,” Ms. Michael says.

One manager learned on his first day at an automotive company that his base pay would be cut in half under a new company compensation plan, says Carlos Kingwergs, Latin America regional director for AutoKineto, an international executive-search firm based in Columbia, S.C. The employer increased his bonus to make up for it, Mr. Kingwergs says, but the new hire quit, saying, “That’s not what I signed on for.”

Other job seekers take a position because it’s their only offer, then exit after receiving an offer for their dream job that requires them to start right away, Ms. Michael says. That’s not an ideal path, but some opportunities are simply too good to refuse.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to leave on as positive a note as possible, says Jill Tipograph, co-founder of Early Stage Careers, a New York City coaching service for recent college grads. Most employers won’t want to keep a new hire around if he or she gives two weeks’ notice right away. But ask if you can help with the transition in other ways, such as leaving notes on any work you’ve done. “First and last impressions are what people remember,” she says.

Write to Sue Shellenbarger at  Appeared in the January 3, 2018, print edition as ‘A Checklist Before You Quit.’