
Your #Career : How To Elevate Yourself When Your #JobSearch And #Life Are Dragging You Down…When you are #Interviewing , it is Easy to Become Discouraged and Feel Defeated and Dejected. It’s Not just You; Everyone Experiences Rejection in the Process.

Here are some motivational thoughts to keep you positive and energized when your job searchand life for that matteris looking bleak and hopeless.

  1. Treat each day as a new beginning. Don’t get caught up with all the failures from the past. Forget about prior indiscretions, feuds, animosities or something a family member said to you 13 years ago that you forgot what it even was, but you still won’t talk with them. This is history. History is over. You are not that person any longer. You are the person living in the here and now.
  1. There are no “what ifs” only “what’s next.” So, you made the wrong choice over which college to attend and chose the wrong major. You didn’t have a mentor or get the big break. We have to move on and forget about the “what ifs.”  It is a new start.  There are so many successful people who have made it big later in life. They learned from their mistakes and then catapulted their careers.  Some people made all the so-called “right choices,” did well at first and now are just flatlining. Your life and career are long-term marathons and not sprints.


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  1. Be the person you always wanted to be. It’s never too late to become that person. Don’t live to solely impress others or live out someone’s dreams. Even if you fail, it will be on your own termas your own person. You don’t want to look back when you are 90-years-old and say you should have done x, y, or z. Do the hard work now to make the 90-year-old you happy and proud.
  1. Follow the career choice that is right for you. Acquiescing to a job or profession because you think it will make your parents happy and get them off your back or to impress your friends is not a long-term recipe for success. You will end up being miserable. As an executive recruiter, I can’t begin to tell you how many lawyers  I have spoken to that made their career decisions for the reasons mentioned and are now terribly miserable. Find a career path that aligns with your values and suits your skills, temperament and abilities. Also, make sure you can make a living.
  1. Complaining is a waste of the short, precious time that we have. Life is unfair; it’s short and brutal. We die at the end of our movie. Usually, it ends quite badly. Since we all know this, why trouble yourself with complaining and whining? It doesn’t help. It actually makes you feel worse and bothers anyone who listens to you. Accept what you can’t change and spend the time you’ve allotted to complaining toward modifying what you can actually change.
  1. Don’t sit around waiting for something to happen. Act. Make something happen. Be assertive and active. You’ll sleep when you’re dead. Make your own breaks in this world. Create your own opportunities. You can’t wait for opportunities to drop into your life.  Nobody cares if you fail and nobody will hand you a life; you need build it yourself.
  1. Figure out what you want to do with your life and career. Then, work on how to actually make it happen. Spend at least as much time considering your career as you do watching football or binge-watching stupid television shows.
  1. Stop sleepwalking through life. Appreciate what you have. Work toward what you want.
  1. Take time to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. It could be your spouse, children, friends, a nice spring day or a puppy. Live in the moment. Don’t spend all your time either obsessing over the past or worried about the future. Enjoy, appreciate and savor the here and now.
  1. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Mostly everything is small stuff. Save the worrying for when a loved one has terminal cancer or an unfair, irreversible health situation. Only then do you deserve the right to worry and complain.
  1. Hold yourself to the highest standard that you set for yourself and do what you know is the right thing to doeven if no one is watching.
  2. Don’t put your life on hold for anything or anyone.
  3. Set goals that you want to achieve. Every day, work your butt off toward achieving your goals. Just moving the ball a little down the field is helpful. Work toward getting 1 % better every day.
  1. Carefully consider and evaluate what you’re doing on a daily basis. Expend your time and energy wisely on meaningful endeavors. Don’t be afraid to quit things when you realize that you have mistakenly headed in a direction that does not align with your vision for yourself and your principles.  Don’t do things for the sake of doing them. Shut off your autopilot and take the steering wheel. Do the things you love because life is too precious to spend it doing anything else. If you don’t enjoy something, then don’t do it.
  1. Discover your passion in work and life. If possible, make your passion a career or business.
  1. Listen when people talk to you. It may surprise you to know that there are some really smart people out there that you can learn from. You already know what you know, maybe you will learn from the janitor, your annoying coworker, the nosy neighbor or the CEO.
  1. Remain open to constructive criticism, but don’t take it personally or let it hinder you. Implement the advice if and when it fits within your goals and objectives.
  1. Stay positive because… why not? It’s just as easy as being negative, but is healthier and makes you and everyone else around you feel better.
  1. Don’t badmouth other people or gossip; it’s a waste of time and energy.
  1. Be honest with people or, at very least, don’t lie to them.
  1. Be empathetic, understanding, caring and compassionate. You never really know what someone else is going through or had to endure.
  1. Believe in yourself and your abilities. If you don’t have faith and confidence in yourself, why should anyone else? Treat yourself as you would your best friend. You wouldn’t excessively criticize, chastise, fault-find your best buddy and expect him or her to remain friends with you. Act kindly toward yourself. Have mercy on yourself when you fail, screw-up, and understanding when you do dumb things. This will help build up confidence and happiness, which ultimately leads to success.
  1. It’s too much work to hold grudges and stay angry at people. Forgive those who may have done you wrong in the past.  You are better off with more friends and less enemies.
  1. Let go of material attachments. Don’t measure yourself or fixate on social status, fame, wealth or vapid accumulation of shiny objects. Enjoy your possessions, but don’t allow them to own you or let the pursuit of material things consume you. Someone else will inevitably inherit them all or they will be sold to pay off inheritance taxes when you die.
  1. Save as much money as you can, as early in life as possible. By accumulating a nice nest egg, you can then make career and life choices based on your principlesand not because you have to pay the rent and utility bills.
  1. Extricate yourself from toxic relationships. Walk away from negative, dishonest, disingenuous, phony, disrespectful, hurtful and time-wasting people. Spend time with others who are supportive, loving, caring and enable you to succeed. Find friends and colleagues compatible with your principles, who are also positive, successful, strong achievers and growth-oriented. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
  1. Treat the janitor like the CEO. Try to build genuine, authentic connections with people around you including strangers, friends, family and colleagues. Try to make deeper and more meaningful connections with people.
  1. Do a kind deed once a day. Help others in need or people when they least expect itwithout reason.
  1. Constantly review and evaluate your life to make sure you are on the correct path. Set aside time for daily or weekly introspection and review sessions to assess how your pursuit of goals is going. Review your purpose and principles. It is okay if they change as you grow personally and professionally and mature in age.
  1. Fight back against procrastination, as it is a time-sucking enemy of your plans.
  1. Keep learning, reading and improving your mind.
  1. Stay away from comparing yourself to others. It will only make you jealous and disappointed. Only compare yourself to the person you were yesterday.
  1. Try new things. Get yourself out there.  Stop sticking to routines and comfort zones.
  1. Don’t settle. Reach to become the best at what you do. Stretch yourself. For example, what are you doing right now? Is it improving your life? Is it possible to do something more productive?
  1. Set big, scary goals. Explore your limits and blow right past them. Keep an open mind for new opportunities and embrace different ideas rather than fear them. Don’t box yourself in mentally or emotionally.
  1. Find mentors and life coaches who care about you and can help you with your journey.  Ask them for honest feedback and constructive criticism to help you become the person you aspire to be.
  1. Pay it forward by mentoring others and help them live their best lives too.
  1. If I am wrong about anyor allof this, at least you can tell yourself that you tried and took some effort to improve your life and career. | May 17, 2018 | 

Your #Career : How To Stay #Motivated When Your Company Is Going Through A #Crisis …It can be Hard to Stay Positive when you’re an #Employee in a Struggling Company. However, there are Things you Can Do to Create #Motivation When Things are Difficult at Work.

Motivation isn’t a switch that you can turn on or off. At work you’ve probably found that motivation comes pretty easily when the company is doing well, and your efforts are rewarded. When a company is in trouble, however, it’s not always that easy. You might be expected to take on additional responsibilities and pull extra hours, but without the recognition and compensation that you would have received when the company wasn’t in crisis mode.


Many workers today accept that job security is not as prevalent as it once was. Allison Gabriel Rossetti, an assistant professor of management/organization and psychology at the University of Arizona, says that when it comes to jobs,”There’s definitely been a lot more volatility.” When a company experiences volatility, it can bring a sense of uncertainty among its employees. “We know from a job-stress perspective that ambiguity and stress is going to hinder an employee’s well-being,” Gabriel Rossetti adds.

There are steps you can take to maintain your motivation. With the right attitude, you might just be able to turn the worry into a career-growing opportunity.

Related:This Is The Link Between Employee’s Motivation And Their Manager’s Mental State 


When you’re worried about the security of your job, taking on any extra work might be the last thing you want to do. But Gabriel Rossetti says that offering help when you smell trouble in the company is a great way to increase your motivation. She suggests telling your manager that you’re sensing some problematic signals, and that you’d love to help out in any way to move the company forward. By doing this, you’re focusing on solutions rather than ruminating on the problems. And when you feel like you’re making progress, even incrementally, motivation is easy to come by, as Jane Porter wrote in a 2016 Fast Company article.


Motivation comes from wanting something. During tough times, it can be difficult to rely on extrinsic motivation like snagging that title change, or a bonus or raise that you might not receive this year. Intrinsic motivation, however, is easier to tap into. When your “why” for your work is more than just your paycheck, you can derive happiness in doing the work itself. In Are You Fully Charged? The 3 Keys To Energizing Your Work and Life, author Tom Rath cited a research that discovered West Point cadets who enrolled due to intrinsic motivation (i.e., desire to serve) were more likely to graduate, become commissioned officers, receive promotions, and stay in the military than those who enrolled to get better jobs and make more money. Gabriel Rossetti suggests asking yourself the following questions: “I entered this job and company for a reason. What were the values I saw here? What are some things I do in this role that reflects those values?”

Related:Bosses: Keep Up With Your Employees’ Progressive Values, Or They’ll Leave

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If the crisis has forced you to take on activities you care very little about, but life circumstances dictate that you need to stay in your company, find an activity outside of work that can give you intrinsic meaning. This way, you’re not coming to work deprived of that fulfillment and into an environment where everyone is on edge. And as Jared Lindzon previously reported for Fast Company, certain hobbies like improv can even train you to thrive in uncertainty.


When it seems like a company’s situation presents a barrier to your long-term career, it’s easy to focus on the things that you’re not accomplishing. But chances are, you’re probably still experiencing small successes every day, but you’re not seeing them as a “win” because you’re too focused on the “bigger” task of navigating the company crisis. Completing a project is a win, and so is making that difficult phone call when you really didn’t feel like making it. As Vivian Giang previously reported for Fast Company, “Small wins matter big. It’s that tinge of excitement that helps us move forward during that long, uphill battle. Small wins signal to our brain that progress is happening, and big results are just around the corner.” Now that’s motivation.


Anisa is the Editorial Assistant for Fast Company’s Leadership section. She covers everything from personal development, entrepreneurship and the future of work.


#Leadership : 10 Ways to Develop an Unshakable Belief in Yourself…What Does it Mean to have an Unshakable Belief in Yourself? It Means you Choose to have a Winning Attitude. You Force your Mind to See the Positive Opportunity in Every Experience, Negative or Positive.

As you look at your core beliefs about yourself, you will see those beliefs reflected back to you in every area of life from finances, reputation, success and love. People with an unshakable belief in who they are focus their minds on opportunities, the bigger picture, patience, resilience, and achieving. They strive to feel deeply happy and satisfied in their lives. People with winning attitudes deeply believe everything they set their mind to is something they can achieve.

Free- Lock in Door


Below are their core beliefs:

1. Think positive.

Each of us has the power to choose and to direct our thoughts in any direction we want. Thinking optimistically keeps life flowing forward in the direction of our thoughts because our actions naturally follow our thoughts. For positive thinking to work we cannot passively think and expect miracles. We have to back our thinking with hard work, follow through and determination. We are all destined for success and can all get there if we believe we can. We have to put action behind our beliefs, and add a touch a patience to our perseverance. Many people become impatient when their positive thinking doesn’t immediately manifest success. That is because positive thinking, not backed by hard work, reduces positive thoughts to a wish.

2. Goal-digger.

To develop a winning attitude we must experience winning. For this reason we need to create agendas backed by achievable goals set with target dates for their achievement. My amazing business coach Dr. Dave White tells me we overestimate what we can achieve in a year, but largely underestimate what we can achieve in five years. In our sessions we goal set, explore, plan and achieve something each week. Small achievable goals motivate and inspire us towards our larger goals. Each goal achieved builds confidence and makes the journey towards success enjoyable.

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3. Be a ‘passionator’.

To be successful in all areas of life, we have to love what we do. Waking up to a career we feel no passion for will not provide well for us emotionally, even if it provides for us financially. The growth we can experience, personally and financially will be limited when we feel we are just going through the motions to make money. The greatest successes love what they do, and know that what they do spans larger than their own self-interest. It is when we see that what we do makes a positive, and significant difference in the lives of others that we most want to jump out of bed in the morning.

4. Gracious.

When we live with grace instead of entitlement we do not expect anyone to do the hard work for us. We do all we can to propel our success forward. We are not afraid of the hard work required of us to succeed. No one owes us anything. There is nothing more career crushing than an entitled person. They are poor relationship builders, self-centered, tend of bully and are some of the biggest complainers in the corporate world. We must have patience, be gracious, help others, and ask for help when we need it. We must commit to working hard, being thankful and accepting that things are often unfair. We accept if there are goals to be achieved, we must depend upon ourselves to get them done.

The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill

5. Keep good company.

We are a direct reflection of the company we keep. Emotions and attitudes are contagious. For this reason we should make it a point to avoid, or largely decrease, the interactions we have with people who are jealous, overtly negative, defeatist or who gossip. We cannot get anywhere when we carry this type of an emotional infection. We must fill our lives with people who are confident, supportive, happy, optimistic, realistic, hardworking and motivated. This type of energy propels our movement forward.

Related: How a Healthy Lifestyle Can Give You an Advantage in Business

6. Grit.

Success is always about persistence, determination and the stubbornness to never give up. Setbacks and rejections are a part of any great endeavor, so we must stay driven and optimistic. Rejections and setbacks are what help us explore, grow, solve our problems and increase our knowledge to do better going forward. When we have a winning attitude we see that failures are opportunities, not insurmountable problems. They are springboards to further success and direct us to the places where we need growth and reinvention.

7. Believe in yourself.

We have to focus on developing and working on our unique strengths in order to develop a strong belief in ourselves. We have to step outside of what is familiar for the sole purpose of increasing our self-knowledge and personal development. There is not a perfect person out there, so we must remain humble and inspired to work on improving our shortcomings, while not punishing ourselves over them. We can learn ways to work with them, such as delegating out, rather than letting these aspects of ourselves bring us down down. We have to faith in who we are.

8. Be inspired.

Read. All the great successes read. It’s amazing the type of inspiration that can come from reading about other inspiring people. We must spend our time with people who inspire us, and model what they do in their lives in our own lives. Inspiration can be found from family members and loved ones. It is important to look for relationships which inspire us to be better; seek out coaches, therapists and teachers. We can also find a deep sense of inspiration through helping and serving others.

Related: 15 Wise Money Quotes From Millionaires and Billionaires

9. Good health.

Being in excellent physical condition generates a tremendous amount of positive energy. We are a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. If our physical body is not healthy it directly decreases our emotional, mental and spiritual health. When we are physically active our bodies produce the feel good chemicals which effectively medicate stress, anger or despair. For this reason we need to take care of our basic physical needs, not just because it is the source of true wealth, but because it generates us to carry a positive vibe about us.

10. Social support.

We live up or down to the expectations and/or beliefs others hold of us. Those people who express their belief and faith in us, our purpose and our agenda in this world serve to deeply motivate us to continue on our mission with a sense of purpose and passion. The faith and belief to come from others, whether that be our manager, our family, friends, our coach, or those we manage serve to keep us on our toes and move us deeply into our personal commitment to our careers.

The stronger we gear our thoughts and actions towards success, the more quickly we develop it. It isn’t about pretending bad times don’t exist. It is about focusing our minds on the opportunities which can come from our bad days. When we have an unshakable belief in ourselves we posses a deep knowing that we have what it takes to overcome and continue to achieve. Once we achieve consistent positive beliefs in ourselves, our potential exponentially increase. We learn that obstacles are the experiences we need to further train ourselves to grow, remain flexible and move forward with a deeper sense of knowledge. Winston Churchill said, “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” | October 13, 2016 | Sherrie Campbell


#Strategy : 3 Proven Ways to Survive a Bad Day at Work… OK, We’ve All Been There Before: the Dreaded Bad Day at work. Truth be Told, a Day is Only as Bad as You Allow it To Be.

You wake up late after hitting the snooze button too many times. You stumble into the office with coffee stains on your tie. A calendar reminder about a mandatory meeting you forgot about pops up at the worst time. Your incompetent boss wants to talk to you about putting a cover sheet on all TPS reports. And, if things weren’t bad enough, you realize you forgot to wear a belt today.

Free- Locks

We’ve all been there before: the dreaded bad day at work. 

Most American workers are setup to experience a bad day at work from the start. They just need that final push over the edge. A Gallup poll released earlier this year finds only 31.5% of employees are involved in, enthusiastic about, and committed to their jobs. This percentage has been on the upswing in recent years, but still leaves 51% of workers not engaged and 17.5% actively disengaged. Managers, executives, and officers have the highest levels of engagement at 38.4% – not encouraging considering how much time people spend at work.

Truth be told, a day is only as bad as you allow it to be. When your mental state shifts from optimism to pessimism, you’ll need to take action to stem the cascade of negativity that is waiting to flow, especially around the workplace. Let’s take a look at three simple ways to survive a bad day.

1. Get away

Taking time for yourself and clearing your head can help to keep you sane during a bad day. If your morning is already terrible before you even get to work, consider taking a sick day if possible. If you are already at work when your day goes downhill, step away from your workspace and get some fresh air. Changing your surroundings by going on a 20-minute walk has been scientifically proven to alter brain activity for the better. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh say walking through green spaces dampen brain fatigue. Meanwhile, sun exposure can reduce feelings of sluggishness and boost productivity.

Furthermore, taking a break from your desk gets you away from the people around you. The last thing you need is to snap at a coworker or go off on your boss. That could turn a bad day into a bad permanent situation at work. More importantly, it gives you a chance to recollect your thoughts and realize your life probably isn’t as bad as it seems in your moment of office despair.


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2. Listen to music

Music is the universal language that cures several ailments, including a bad mood. Collective Evolution (CE) lists seven key ways how music benefits our health, such as making us happier, reducing pain and depression, and even improving sleep quality which can then help lead to a better day.

“[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][M]usic has the power to do so much. It can make you feel happy, sad, excited or even pumped up,” explains CE’s Joe Martino. “Listening to music that hits you in a special way causes your brain to release dopamine which is known as a feel good chemical. It causes us to feel emotions like happiness, excitement, joy, etc. Listening to music provides us with the same burst of happiness that we would get from eating a piece of chocolate, sex or certain drugs. Another study showed that music with a quick tempo played in a major key made people feel happy, while music with a slow tempo in a minor key more easily led to feelings of sadness.”

If allowed, try plugging in some headphones for a few minutes to help lift your spirit during a bad day at work. If your employer doesn’t allow any music, try taking that walk we discussed earlier with music, or even relax in your car for a few minutes with your favorite tunes.

3. Laugh

Your work may not be fun, even when you’re not having a bad day, but finding a way to laugh can help improve the day. notes that laughter relaxes your muscles for up to 45 minutes, boosts the immune system by decreasing stress hormones, triggers the release of endorphins (the body’s natural feel-good chemicals), and protects the heart by improving the function of blood vessels and blood flow.

The site explains, “Laughter makes you feel good. And the good feeling that you get when you laugh remains with you even after the laughter subsides. Humor helps you keep a positive, optimistic outlook through difficult situations, disappointments, and loss.

More than just a respite from sadness and pain, laughter gives you the courage and strength to find new sources of meaning and hope. Even in the most difficult of times, a laugh–or even simply a smile–can go a long way toward making you feel better. And laughter really is contagious—just hearing laughter primes your brain and readies you to smile and join in the fun.”

You can find ways to laugh by visiting with a coworker you find funny, watching a funny clip on your smartphone, looking up funny jokes on the Internet, or simply checking out humorous postings at Reddit.

Follow Eric on Facebook and Twitter |  January 10, 2016 |  
