
#JobSearch :How To Use Keywords To Strengthen Your Personal Brand. Recruitment is Changing as Employers Continue to Scramble for Employees. Great REad!

Recruitment is changing as employers continue to scramble for employees, in-person networking is still a thing of the past, and in-person interaction is just now slowly making a comeback. Recruiting trends are focusing on the candidate experience while streamlining the hiring process.

What does that mean for job hunters? 

Used by the majority of the Fortune 500, a key 2022 trend is the increased reliance and use of more advanced applicant tracking systems (ATS). ATS filters resumes and cover letters based on keywords, decreasing the time-to-hire by as reported by 86% of recruiters, and this improves the bottom line. But this is not without consequence to job seekers.

Keywords are vital in today’s job search – not only in your resume and cover letter but across your social platforms and networking sites. Keywords help increase your visibility and improve your chances of landing your dream job. Today, you need a personal SEO strategy.

According to Job Hunt, there are three areas where to focus your keywords: personal, professional goals, and work history.

Personal Keywords:

Your personal keywords include your name, target location, languages you speak, and education. Your name needs to match on all your social platforms (especially LinkedIn) and resume. Use your full name online unless you use an abbreviated name on your resume and all other printed materials you use such as business cards. Also, include your full name as your signature on email.

Also make sure you use the English version of languages you speak: ie. “Spanish,” not “español,” if your profile is written in English. This ensures the proper keyword would be discovered by recruiters.

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What Skill Sets Do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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Professional Goals Keywords:

Choose keywords for the position you want. Include industry keywords as well. Here’s where a few hours exploring job posting will pay off. What words are recurring for the positions you want? Research industry keywords to include.

Work History Keywords:

Most of your keywords will be used here. Again, make sure you’ve done your research and know what keywords employers are using. You need to be truthful when using keywords. The trick is using the words employers use to describe work you do.

If the company you work for uses puns for job titles like Marketing Guru, change that to read Marketing Manager – if the title matches what you actually do. Where you have a lot of liberty is hard and soft skills. There are a lot of ways to say you have rock-solid communication skills including problem solving, confident speaking ability, active listening, and collaboration to name a few.

Use enough keywords when describing your experience, skills, certifications, and job-specific tools and techniques without overstuffing. Your LinkedIn profile, resume, and cover letter need to be readable.

Think like a recruiter. If you submitted a cover letter and resume, the recruiter is definitely going to search your LinkedIn profile. But recruiters also search LinkedIn for viable clients even when they haven’t received a resume. In fact, 95% of recruiters say they search LinkedIn to find candidates for open positions. LinkedIn reports that 70% of the global workforce is made up of passive talent not actively job hunting.

Your keywords need to be an exact match. Job Hunt uses the example of a job description requiring “Microsoft Word” experience. If your resume states “highly skilled with Microsoft Office products” it will not meet the search criteria. You may be well versed in Microsoft Office but if the majority of job postings are only asking for Microsoft Word, you need to include Microsoft Word.

How do you apply keywords to your other social channels? Use your full name or the variation of your name that appears on LinkedIn and your resume. On Facebook you can add keywords to the “about” section of your profile. Instagram allows a short description below your name and title. The same is true for Twitter.

Consistency matters. Your resume and social profiles should paint a picture of who you are, what you do, and where you want to go. Spending time quing into keywords will pay off in spades. – February 11, 2022 –

#CareerAdvice : #CareerNetworking – Three Surprising Ways your #Network can Help your #JobSearch … #Networking Doesn’t Always Lead to #Referrals or #Introductions to #HiringManagers . But Sometimes your Contacts can Prove Helpful in Ways you Hadn’t Expected.

My professional network has never led directly to a job opportunity. I’ve had people on the inside graciously pass along my resume and extend referrals, but while I’ve landed interviews this way, they’ve never crystallized into an offer. In fact, every job offer I’ve ever received has come about the old-fashioned way: by applying to a job posting.


If it’s been at least a year since your last job search, there’s a good chance you’re out of practice describing your work to people outside your organization. There’s actually an art to answering the familiar question, “So what do you do?” and since most interviews kick off with, “Tell me a little about yourself,” networking conversations can actually double as interview prep.

Networking with people while you’re job hunting forces you to get beyond those boring one-line summaries of your current job description. As you start telling folks in your network what you’re looking to do next, you’ll also have to characterize your strengths and interests, drum up examples of recent projects you’re proud of, and make connections between your current role and your ambitions for the next stage in your career.

Articulating all of this takes practice. Plus, in addition to helping you refine your pitch to hiring managers and recruiters, this also gives your network a clearer sense of what opportunities to keep a lookout for on your behalf.

Here’s what to ask your contacts:

  • “Does the experience I’ve just described make sense? And does it sound interesting?
  • “Based on what I’ve told you, what sounds like my top strength? What about my biggest weakness?”

Related: How to answer “What do you do?” without boring anyone


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What Skill Sets do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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You may never have had a professional mentor, but as soon as you mention you’re job searching, just about everyone snaps into mentorship mode. They’re quick to ask questions about your current job and what you’re hoping for in the next one. They grill you about where you’re looking and whether you’ve landed any interviews yet. They wrack their brains for people they know that you might want to talk to.

This knee-jerk generosity can be helpful, or not. (Your friend’s new roommate might not know a damn thing about your industry even though he’s really excited to help.) But these discussions can be clarifying even when they don’t cough up job leads. Sometimes you’ll notice somebody interpreting your work history in a different light than you see it, which could cue you to reframe your experience in future career conversations. Other times someone may suggest a company or a type of role that you hadn’t considered before. And once in a while, a contact with deeper experience in your field might brush away worries about your competitive weaknesses and put their finger on something completely different that you should really focus on.

These networking interactions can lead you to shift your strategy, sometimes in small ways and sometimes much more radically. The best part is that even people who are relatively ignorant about your field or career ambitions can still help you adjust your game plan, whether it’s to find focus or think more broadly.

Here’s what to ask your contacts:

  • For people who are less knowledgable about your field: “Hypothetically, If I were to leave my field, what types of other roles do you think I’d be qualified for?”
  • For those who know a lot about your field: “What types of candidates do you think I’m most likely to be competing with for this role? Should I consider different types of positions?”

Related: These two exercises can help you radically think your career


In my experience, a professional network is most effective at helping you size up job opportunities. Sometimes the hardest part of the hiring process isn’t crafting a great resume or preparing for an interview, it’s deciding whether to take the job once it’s finally offered.

The folks in your network might not know the hiring manager or an HR rep inside the company, but they’re much more likely to know someone who works there and can speak generally about their experiences on the inside. This is often the real benefit of those “weak connections”; the people who know the people you know, even though they’ve never met you, probably won’t give you an endorsement. But many are happy to jump on a 20-minute call with you and share their thoughts on the position you’re applying to, plus any words of caution or advice.

All of this is underappreciated intel. If you can land these conversations before going on a job interview or even before applying, they’ll help you tailor the way you position your candidacy. These second-degree contacts can also clue you into potential drawbacks and suggest good questions to ask about the team, the work culture, and the demands of the role. And if someone has already agreed to chat with you about a job opportunity, they probably won’t blink when you ask if there are any other insiders they might be willing to introduce you to. Before you know it, you’ll have tapped into a brain trust of in-the-know contacts who can share critical insight to guide your strategy and decision making.

Here’s what to ask your contacts:

  • When you’re looking for company insiders: “Do you know any current or former employees at X company who might be willing to chat with me about their experience there?”
  • After speaking with company insiders: “Thanks for chatting with me! If you can think of anyone else you work with who may have some insight into the role I’m pursuing, I’d love to be connected.”

Related: 4 questions to help answer the big one: “Should I take this job?”

So no, your immediate network might not be much help in connecting you with the top decision makers for the specific job opportunities that appeal to you. But if you give them a chance, your professional contacts can probably help you out much more–and in many more ways–than you think.


Rich Bellis is Associate Editor of Fast Company’s Leadership section.

 More | July 31, 2018 | BY RICH BELLIS 5 MINUTE READ