
#JobSearch : Is LinkedIn going to Replace Resumes? What Do You Think? Welcome your comments.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word LinkedIn? Well for me LinkedIn is all about building a chain of links! which is nothing but “Networking”. The soul purpose of the platform was to help people share their thoughts, ideas , collaborate and work with like-minded people eventually. LinkedIn is considered to be a professional yet social networking platform all over the world. With the changing times, advancement in technology and a global pandemic hitting us all , things have changed quite a bit!

The economy has come to a standstill all over the world, people are getting laid off, the health facilities are collapsing, and people are giving in to depression and anxiety. Many of the people who have been laid off were at good managerial positions and were working for the top MNC’s and organizations in the world.

There are multiple reasons why these people were laid off. Ranging from, some of the employees being incompetent, some were not updated and equipped with the latest technology, companies were no longer able to cater to a huge bandwidth of employees and the list goes on. Amidst this chaos the importance and relevance of LinkedIn has increased just beyond being a place for showcasing your laurels and achievements.

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Recruiters have extensively been using LinkedIn as a platform to look out for the right talent. Your LinkedIn profile not only contains all aspects covered in a resume, but also showcases your other talents and accomplishments via the posts and content you put out for your network. Recruiters see who are the people engaging with your content?, what kind of people are a part of your network? What kind of volunteering and collaborative work are you doing ? etc. These things help recruiters to know you beyond the surface. Not just restricting them to view your educational history, work experience and achievements.

There is no doubt that a Resume is indeed essential and speaks volumes. Having said that we cannot change the fact that it is only a document or a piece of paper, as opposed to LinkedIn which is a digital platform where you get to create a life-long impact. It adds on to your digital footprint on the internet as well. When you start making meaningful connections on LinkedIn, they eventually lead you to being offered unexpected opportunities and collaborating with people you would have never thought of. You create your own personal brand and people endorse your skills, write you recommendations and even approach you for jobs in their organization once you build that network and trust.

Make sure you are posting relevant and consistent content on LinkedIn. People still have no idea how this could land them a job. Well just doing this won’t but connecting with the right people and  increasing your reach via your work and posts on LinkedIn will. Use LinkedIn insights to know about the trending jobs and the companies that are hiring. You also get insights on the skills they are looking for in a candidate for a particular role. LinkedIn learning provides a plethora of self-paced learning courses in all the fields possible. They add value to your profile and resume as well.

Hence it goes without saying that LinkedIn is surely moving on the path to becoming a dynamic platform. It is an amalgamation of being a networking platform, a digital resume showcasing platform, a platform to share your opinions, views, content and lastly a platform where there are endless opportunities available. Start using LinkedIn effectively to supplement your resume and add more value to your personality and profile.

It cannot be certainly said if LinkedIn will actually go on to replace resumes, but it is surely the trending thing that is coming up and people who will harness it’s features in the right way are surely going to benefit a lot more than the ones who won’t.


NEW FSC Career Author: : Ms. Dhairya Gangwani – Dhairya is a  Electronics and Communication engineer who loves Management Consulting. I am an optimist, who loves interacting with people, travelling, learning new languages, content writing and public speaking.  Contact Dhairya @  or connect with her on LinkedIn @


FSC Career Blog | July 6, 2020