
#Leadership : The Only Thing Not to Fear Is Success Itself …. Can you Imagine an #Entrepreneur/ #Manager Who is Actually Afraid of #Success? None will Ever Admit it Openly, but I’m a Strong Believer that Actions or Lack of Action Speaks Louder than Words.

Can you imagine an entrepreneur/manager who is actually afraid of success? None will ever admit it openly, but I’m a strong believer that actions or lack of action speaks louder than words. In my years of advising startups, I’ve seen too many cases of seemingly irrational actions, or just freezing with that “deer in the headlights” look when it’s time to make a critical move.

Free- Under a Bridge

I see it in the technologists who never get around to shipping their product, nominally because it isn’t finished yet. I see it in the business person who has plenty of funding, but won’t spend a dime on marketing to get the word out, just to conserve resources. After years of hard work, they always have rational excuses but really no one to blame but their own internal fears of success.

Related: You Will Fail, But Don’t Ever Consider Yourself a Failure

So, if your startup seems stuck in a rut these days, maybe it’s time to take a hard look at these common internal challenges, to see if you are actually the real limit to your success in business than the faltering economy or tough competitors:

1. You need to be in control of every detail.

Control freaks find it hard to survive as entrepreneurs, primarily because none of us have the time or skills to do everything that needs to be done in a business. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from advisors and to hire help (do what needs to be done) rather than just helpers (do what you tell them).


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2. You just want to be treated as another member of the team.

Every successful business needs someone in charge — the buck stops here, and hard decisions have to be made. Some entrepreneurs fear being seen as the boss, so they try to make every move a team decision often resulting in no decision or analysis paralysis. It’s time to be the leader.

3. You don’t want to give up your current lifestyle.

Some entrepreneurs unconsciously fear that the focus and dedication required for success will change their lifestyle to one they don’t enjoy or their friends won’t appreciate. In fact, one of the many challenges of a new business is to balance personal and family life and continue outside activities. Face it.

4. You’re afraid to ask for and spend other people’s money.

It takes money to make money. Real startup growth usually requires an initial infusion of cash to kick-start marketing, hire staff and build inventory. Soliciting and managing outside funds is a fear that every entrepreneur has to overcome for success. The challenge is not to let it get too easy.

Related: 6 Thoughts on Why Facing Your Fears Could Help You Achieve Massive Success

5. You’re unable to take enough risk due to fear of failure.

There are no certainties in business, so taking a risk is required, and one or more failures is about average. Neither is life-threatening, and true friends and family will not desert you after a few setbacks. Successful entrepreneurs never give up and wear their failures as a badge of courage.

6. You can’t possibly be smart enough to succeed in business.

Maybe your parents were not supportive, or you struggled in school, so your self-confidence has never risen above a certain point. These fears can be overcome, by setting small milestones early and often and working upward. Business success requires street smarts, not book smarts.

7. You hate stepping out of your comfort zone.

Even experienced entrepreneurs often keep coming back to the same formulas and tools, which worked at some level and at some point in time. The challenge is that the business world keeps changing, and future success requires new creativity and innovation. Force yourself to step outside the box.

Successful entrepreneurs almost always start with a vision and a higher level purpose than just making money. It helps to communicate this higher purpose, to motivate you and overcome the fear of the unknown. Success does not require that you be fearless, but only that you be determined to transform fears into positive learning actions rather than negative roadblocks.

The ultimate fear to overcome is the fear of success per se. This is the most debilitating, since it usually comes from a deep-seated desire to conform and blend in. It can cause you to lose faith in your abilities and give up your vision at the slightest setback. Keep your vision and purpose at the forefront to motivate you and allow you to step beyond all your fears to the entrepreneurial success you deserve.

Related: Don’t Let Caution Turn to Cowardice. Leave Doubt Behind.

Article Posted on December 18, 2015

<b>Get Your Valuation</b>

Author: Martin Zwilling

Veteran startup mentor, executive, blogger, author, tech professional, and Angel investor.

Martin Zwilling is the founder and CEO of Startup Professionals, a company that provides products and services to startup founders and small business owners. The author of Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur? and Attracting an Angel, he writes a daily blog for entrepreneurs and dispenses advice on the subject of startups.


#Leadership : 5 Ways The Fear Of Rejection Holds You Back…Getting Turned Down or Passed Up isn’t the End of the World. Learning to Tolerate the Distress Associated with Rejection can Actually Build your Confidence.

The Fear of Rejection Often Serves as the Single Greatest Obstacle that Stands Between a Capable Individual & Enormous Success. Its Powerful Grip can Prevent You from Reaching your Greatest Potential.


Everyone fears rejection at one time or another. Maybe you decided not to ask someone out on a date because you were afraid the object of your affection would decline. Or perhaps you didn’t apply for that job because you worried you wouldn’t get it. Either way, you may have missed out on your big break.

The fear of rejection often serves as the single greatest obstacle that stands between a capable individual and enormous success. Its powerful grip can prevent you from reaching your greatest potential. Here are five ways the fear of rejection can hold you back:

1. You Avoid New Opportunities

You’re hard wired to avoid things that cause you to feel afraid. Fear is meant to keep you safe from danger. So while running away from a hungry lion makes sense, refusing to ask for a raise because you fear rejection isn’t exactly logical.

Eliminating any possible risk of rejection from your life will prevent you from exploring new opportunities. After all, there’s no guarantee that the audience will appreciate your presentation or that your friends will support your ideas. But unless you’re willing to put yourself out there and risk a rejection or two, you’re not likely to receive many rewards.

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2. You Try to Please Everyone

One way to reduce the chances of being rejected is by trying to please everyone. Saying yes to every invite, and agreeing to do things you don’t want to do, may make others like you – at least temporarily.

But being a people-pleaser is likely to backfire in the long-run. In reality, it’s impossible to make everyone happy and you’re certainly not responsible for other people’s emotions. People-pleasing can lead to a long list of problems, including burnout and exhaustion, and it can also cause you to lose sight of your values.

3. You Maintain a Disingenuous Public Performance

The fear of rejection can lead you to put on a public persona aimed at disguising ‘the real you.’ Plastering on a fake smile and trying really hard to fit in with everyone around you may reduce your fear of being seen for who you really are. And while that public mask may help you in certain situations, people will see right through you if you lay it on too thick.

Vulnerability is key to living an authentic life. But of course, being vulnerable requires you to risk being hurt. If your fear of rejection prevents you from being genuine, you’ll struggle to form sincere relationships.

4. You Don’t Speak Up

Rather than close the deal, saying, “Call me if you decide it’s something you want,” can reduce your anxiety. This passive technique will preserve your self-worth – at least temporarily – because you won’t have to hear someone reject your offer.

Declining to express your opinion, refusing to stand up for yourself, and shying away from asking for what you want equals poor communication. It’s unlikely people are going to hand you what you want in life, unless you ask for it.

5. You Behave Passive-Aggressively

Instead of calling a friend to ask, “Can you help me move?” saying, “My family is so selfish. They’re not even going to help me move!” may be an attempt to trick your friend into volunteering. But such attempts to avoid rejection are downright manipulative.

Rejection doesn’t sting so much when you aren’t faced with it head-on. Hinting, complaining, or giving back-handed compliments are just a few of the ways people with a fear of rejection avoid direct confrontation. But ultimately, this roundabout way of doing business only causes more friction.

Short-Term Pleasure, Long-Term Problems

Rejection hurts and dodging it is one way to avoid the short-term pain. But taking steps to avoid all types of rejection only leads to long-term problems.

Getting turned down or passed up isn’t the end of the world. Learning to tolerate the distress associated with rejection can actually build your confidence. Once you see that it isn’t as catastrophic as you predict, you’ll learn to take on the attitude of, “nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

Amy Morin is a psychotherapist, keynote speaker, and the author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, a bestselling book that is being published in more than 20 languages. | August 11, 2015 | Amy Morin