
#YourCareer : Follow These 5 Steps to Make Your Next Difficult Conversation Easier. Great to Read & Share!

As a police sergeant, defensive tactics instructor, and member of the regional crisis negotiation team (outside of Boston, Massachusetts), Din Jenkins in no stranger to difficult conversations and high-stakes scenarios. Jenkins is also the CEO of his own company, Supply the Why, which focuses on conflict resolution and DEI training.

In recent years, Jenkins has found himself facilitating a number of difficult conversations between police and civilians regarding the appropriate use of force and other tactics. He joined Negotiate Anything to share his simple, five-step framework for successfully navigating conversations where the subject matter may be especially sensitive or difficult.

Start Small

According to Jenkins, some of our most difficult conversations are those that are emotionally charged and/or involve a highly polarizing topic. Because these conversations can’t be avoided, especially in today’s society, it’s important to approach them in a manner that will be safe for all involved.

Start with a small group; a one-on-one conversation is ideal. The goal is to avoid large groups where multiple people’s ideas align and one or two people feel outnumbered or ganged up on.

“We tend to gravitate towards people who share our ideologies and values,” Jenkins shared.

In emotionally-charged conversations, this can lead to a pack mentality and ultimately, an unproductive (and potentially highly confrontational) conversation.


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Be Realistic

It’s important to remember that complex situations cannot and will not be solved in one conversation. From reproductive rights to foreign affairs, there is no shortage of complex issues to discuss in today’s world.

To solve some of these problems and the associated tensions, difficult conversations are necessary. That said, realistic goals should be set from the start. One of the best ways to do this is to acknowledge that a follow-up conversation (or multiple) will likely need to be had. Then, allow the first conversation to be all about exchanging ideas and building trust.

Once you have that foundation of trust, people feel safe to have more of these conversations,” Jenkins explained.


Stay Focused on One Topic

When we’re involved in highly emotional discussions, it can be hard to stay focused on one topic. Once our emotions become triggered, logic and rational thought sometimes go out the window.

“This is the one that really requires the greatest amount of internal discipline,” Jenkins said.

To keep the conversation on track, and avoid any potential attacks, slow down and try to stay on one topic at a time. Then, take the opportunity to let your conversation partner ask their questions and seek clarification.

Do Your Homework

In emotionally-charged conversations, especially where issues related to identity are being discussed, participants will often want to validate their argument with data.

With a long career in law enforcement, Din is familiar with this tactic but advises against it. Not only can statistics be manipulated to support varying sides of the same argument, but should those stats be incorrect or misrepresented, trust will likely be compromised.

Not only do you lose credibility but this can also cause the opposite side to retreat back into defensiveness.

While Jenkins generally advises against the use of data, he has advice on how to safely incorporate facts into the conversation.


The best way: let everybody get their turn talking,” He explained. “You have to be patient and there has to be that trust that both people will get the opportunity to present.


Don’t Try to Win the Conversation

Finally, though it seems counterintuitive, Jenkins encourages people to enter the conversation with a collaborative mindset (where possible).

Because so many of these conversations involve highly-sensitive topics and passionate people, oftentimes the focus of the conversation becomes “winning” or proving that one perspective is best.

When dealing with complicated matters like politics and race, it’s unrealistic to expect to change somebody’s opinion in one conversation. Rather than viewing the discussion as an argument or debate, seek to exchange ideas and thought processes. Then plan to follow up at a later time.

Equally important is identifying your personal goal in the conversation. Oftentimes these discussions take place because two or more people will be interacting on a regular basis (at work or in social environments) or because one or more parties are seeking mutual understanding in a close, personal relationship.

If this is the case, mutual understanding and respect should certainly be one goal. That said, take time to discuss your hopes for the conversation and future relationship. | August 23, 2022 | 


#YourCareer : Avoiding A Hard Conversation? How To Have That Brave Conversation You’ve Been Putting Off. A MUst REad for All!

As the Covid-19 pandemic has forced us to connect from behind our screens, it’s also made it all the more convenient to avoid tough conversations. You know the ones… where emotions can run high and sensitivities deep.  Too awkard. Too risky. Too difficult. 

Alas, the most important conversations are often the least comfortable. Easier to simply smile politely and put it off until we’re all back in the office. Whenever that is.

Yet our conversations form the life blood of our relationships, forming the currency of influence in any team or organization.  Engaging in conversations about sensitive issues require self-awareness, emotional intelligence and a solid dose of courage. Mustering up that courage takes getting real about the price we pay when we don’t. On our stress levels, our relationships, our influence and our ability to achieve what we want and change what we don’t.

If you’re in a leadership role, this is amplified further. After all, ‘people are the project.’ If you’re not managing the people issues, you’re destined to fall short on every other outcome.

In short, sticking to only the ‘safe conversations’ can exact a steep hidden tax on individual wellbeing, team productivity and bottom line performance. Research by VitalSmarts found a strong correlation between the span of time it took for a problem being identified and it being raised with team performance. Before Covid-19 this averaged two weeks. Right now, it’s likely considerably longer.

So if there’s a conversation you’ve been putting off, here’s a few ideas to help you address whatever issue’s been on your mind (and likely others too!).

-1- Clarify your highest intention 

It’s easy to communicate from a reactive, defensive, frustrated or fearful place. Many do. Doing so gives a temporary sense sense of gratification. Bam, got em! But it rarely lands a positive outcome.

So before entering into potentially sensitive conversation, get clear on your positive intent. What positive intention are you trying to serve? For you, for them, for your relationship? So be honest about where your ego might be driving you to prove you’re right or make another wrong and connect from the highest part of you, not the lowest.


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-2- Check your story

You don’t see problems as they are, but as you are…filtered through your lens, your fears and your experiences, past and present. Often the story we creat about a problem (or ‘problem person’) is the root of the problem, roadblocking our ability to resolve it and chart a better path forward. So think about where you’ve caste someone as a villain, yourself as a victim or applied labels (it’s pointless, they’re a lost cause, I’m hopeless at… ) that limit new possibilities.

-3- Listen beyond spoken concerns

Even when we can see someone on the other side of the screen, technology has a way of disconnecting us from the human element of our interactions. Connecting with the humanity of the person behind the image on your screen will lead to a far better outcome than simply going through your check list.

Before you unload what’s on your mind, step into their shoes and genuinely try to see as they see and feel as they feel. What’s the deeper, unspoken concerns that might be at play here? The very act of genuinely seeking to understand makes a huge deposit into the relational ‘trust account’.

So ask them how they see and feel about the issue. Then…


As you do, resist the temptation to fill any awkward silences. It’s in the pauses between thoughts that the real issues often rise to the surface. Listening is the singular more powerful and under-used communication skill.

-4- Keep it real

If you feel awkward about a conversation, just say so. You’re human. This is vulnerable territory. Own that. If it’s why you’ve put off having this conversation, share that too. This pandemic has been challenging for most of us. Be humble and take full responsibility for your part in this issue including not having raised the issue sooner. Then share why you feel it’s important to do so now (see point #1).

-5- Be truthful, but in a way that elevates, not denigrates

Behavioral scientist Dr. William Schutz once said that “If people in business told the truth, 80 to 90% of their problems would disappear.”  People can intuitively tell when you are being sincere. They can also tell when you’re not.

Be mindful to distinguish the problem (behavior or issue) from the person themselves. Just because someone did something stupid doesn’t make them stupid. Give them space to be otherwise.

Invite their input in how to address the issue, and use language that convey’s your belief in their ability to respond well. Talking down to people will never lift them higher but reinforce the very beliefs that are driving the behavior.

The above said, don’t sugarcoat the truth in disingenuous flattery. That doesn’t build trust, it undermines it. People often respond defensively to implied criticism.

-6- Consider time and place

If you’re working across global time zones, make sure you have the call at a time of day that is thoughtful for the other person. Don’t leave a tough conversation for 5pm Friday and be sure you allow enough time for a meaningful exchange. Likewise, if you’re prone to speaking too much or belaboring points, write down your key points ahead of time.

As for place, well… you may not have much choice but to connect from your home workspace right now. However if you can get outside and go for a walk, changing your physical space can be a powerful way to shift the emotional space of a conversation. Consider both of you going for a walk and talk… even in different places. Just ensure you can stay focused on it.

-7- Set and keep the right emotional tone

Emotions are contagious. The more sensitive an issue, the more rapidly emotions can escalate and highjack rational dialogue. Rehearse the conversation ahead of time, thinking ahead about how you want to respond should they have an emotional highjack. If they get furious, get curious, and avoid getting pulled into a downward spiral of stone-throwing. If things get over-heated, call time out.

-8- Separate fact from opinion

Before you launch into your opinion of a situation, be sure to clearly state the facts as you see them. It’s possible you may have incomplete information.So use language that leaves open the possibility of another interpretation of the situation. E.g. I appreciate I may be missing something, but it appears that …

Who knows, maybe they have some important piece of information you’re unaware of that will make all the difference. Facts first. When you present your opinion as though it’s the truth, you’re guaranteed to get people off-side.

-9- Make clear requests and commitments

A client recently told me how frustrated she is with a colleague. I asked her if she’d been specific about what she wanted this person to do. ‘No, they should just know,’ she replied. And therein lay the problem. They did not know! So never assume people just know what you want or don’t want. Make clear requests,  with specific, unambiguous and measurable expectations – for them and yourself. Only then can you ever effectively manage any accountability.

-10- Focus forward with a soft front, strong back

 It’s easy to descend into pettiness and stone throwing about what woulda-coulda-shoulda happened. To what end?  This doesn’t negate the need for managing accountability. Rather, stay focused on what needs to change and don’t lose sight of the end game.  Most of all, never let someone else’s poor behavior be an excuse for your own.

The quality of your relationships is determined by the quality of the conversations you have in them… in your home, in your office and in virtual teams operating across global time zones.

Don’t let the inability to meet in person stop you having important conversations. And don’t let the screens that separate you be an excuse not to speak to that person as you would if they were right in front of you.

Most of all, don’t let your fear of what could go wrong keep you from speaking up to make things more right.

If there’s something you genuinely want to say, chances are someone genuinely needs to hear it. Adopt the Buddhist principle of “soft front, strong back” and stand firmly in your truth… with courage, candor and kindness. bGo bravely.

Author: Margie Warrell is a speaker on leading with courage and creator of the Courageous Conversations Masterclass. – January 31, 2012

#Leadership : #CommunicationSkills – Dealing With A Difficult Conversation. A Great Read for All!

Difficult conversations are just that — difficult. The prospect of a tough conversation can fill anyone with dread and anxiety. Everyone has probably had this feeling, and everyone probably dreads it.

But you don’t need to. We’ve found through our research that this dread, in many cases, points to a natural aversion to conflict, as well as to a fundamental desire to be well-liked and understood. No matter the reasons, however, there are some simple ways to alleviate your anxieties before a tough conversation.

The next time you face a sensitive talk, whether at work with a boss or client or at home with a loved one, you can follow a three-step process to navigate it with ease: prepare, script and role-play.


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Get The Basic Principles Down First

Many people hate being wrong. We hate being at fault or blamed. Whether this comes from pride or anxiety, it’s critical to look at your own behaviors and attitudes as you prepare for a difficult conversation. As you do this, remind yourself that the other person likely has similar feelings and attitudes. In the end, it’s not about who’s right — it’s about coming to an understanding.

Prepare for the conversation as you would for a pitch, client presentation or any other major moment — by owning as much as you can about yourself. Remember: prepare, script and role-play:

• Assess in your mind. Empathize with your counterpart, and try to imagine the scenario from multiple perspectives. How might their view differ from yours? How would a neutral party hear both sides? As you build empathy, try to focus on positive thoughts so you can put yourself into a constructive mindset to approach the conversation.

• Visualize the interaction. You’ve thought about both sides, so how might the conversation play out? Where might it turn negative, and how do you see yourself responding when you hear something you don’t like? At this stage, your preparation is a choice, so explore as many ups and downs as you can. This can help reduce potential surprises in the discussion.

• Practice each scenario. You’ve established a framework of possible directions and conversations; now practice them. Put them down on paper, grab a colleague or a friend and see whether they’d be willing to role-play the scenarios with you. It may sound silly, but the more familiar you are with your game plan, the more seamless your execution will be when it’s game time.

Apply The Principles To Real-World Scenarios

Let’s put this theory into practice. Imagine a client of three years has just emailed you expressing grave concerns about your working relationship. They ask for a meeting to discuss the future of your work together.

This type of situation happens, and it’s easy to let it spiral in your mind. Applying the three-step process to prepare, script and role-play may allow you to navigate the conversation and at least save the relationship, if not the contract itself.

• Focus on what you can control. As you assess everything in your mind, try to find that place of empathy to understand why you might be receiving this email. Maybe you already know, or maybe you’re caught off guard. Let yourself feel the negative emotions, and then dissect the situation as objectively as possible. Taking the time to explore the different angles can help break down the defensive position you might have taken. In short, it can help you come quickly to a constructive place and approach the conversation as a partner.

• Start scripting. Once you’ve thought through the different angles, start letting scenarios play out in your mind. Maybe you’ve set a meeting time, date and location. Put yourself in that room, and begin to imagine different paths the discussion could take. Imagine the questions and statements and the attitude or tone behind them, and write it all down. This can let you conceive positive responses in advance, so you can keep as much on the table as possible when the meeting finally comes.

• Role-play. Find a co-worker, a friend or someone you to trust to practice how the conversation may go. Study your notes and the scripted scenarios you’ve created, and practice until you feel confident and comfortable in your approach and the directions the conversation can take.

Of course, almost no conversation goes as scripted. The goal of this preparation is to help you come to a constructive place of understanding in advance of your meeting and anticipate as many scenarios as possible so you can avoid being caught off guard. The more you can maintain a fair balance of yourself, the better your odds of salvaging anything at all or, in some cases, turning the dreaded conversation into a truly productive, positive outcome for all parties.

Remember This

Take a deep breath. Think about the impact this conversation may have on your life in five years. Then put yourself in their shoes and do the same. You may quickly realize that the conversation probably doesn’t have the ability to ruin your life or in fact change much at all.

Now you’re ready. Communicate bravely. You’ve done the necessary preparation, and now it’s time to trust the different scenarios you’ve practiced and maintain your positive mindset throughout. Remember that difficult conversations have better results for those who remain positive and confident throughout.

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