
#CareerAdvice : #CareerChange -The 5 Big Mistakes Boomers Make When Switching Careers. #MustRead !

Many boomers want to change careers for a variety of reasons: to reduce stress; to learn something new; to follow their passion; to find a change of pace or to stay ahead financially. But it’s easy to make mistakes and overlook factors that are critical to changing careers effectively.

So, when leaving the security of a steady job to transition to a new career, you’ll want to avoid the following five mistakes. That way, you’ll embark on your next voyage with grace and confidence.

Mistake No. 1: Not ‘Testing’ Your New Career First

You think you’ll love your new career path, but you won’t know for sure until you’ve immersed yourself in it. So, before interviewing for a new job in a new field, try to experience what it would be like.

Start by figuring out what spare time you have to dedicate to your trial run. You may need to get creative if the job would be an office position and you currently have one. In that case, find lunch hour times or take half-days to shadow others in positions for which you might apply.

If possible, test the waters online. For example, if you want to move into marketing and already have some marketable skills — like design or writing — create an account on Upwork, the online platform for freelancers.

You could also apply for short-term gigs or projects that let you flex your skills, gain experience and better understand what you might be doing on a daily basis.

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What Skill Sets do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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Mistake No. 2: Not Managing Expectations

Switching careers, especially after 50, can be a big change financially, mentally and emotionally. You may need to move down on the totem pole, which can be challenging if you haven’t set your expectations properly. Set realistic goals.

The key is to be prepared to learn. Some of the work skills you’ve acquired already, such as communications and organization, will be critical to your success in your new field. Find ways to excel with the capabilities you have, while gaining new ones.

Mistake No. 3: Not Knowing What Matters Most

When switching careers, it’s easy to take the first opportunity you find because you’re worried you won’t be qualified for anything else. That mindset can stick you in a position you don’t want.

So, before making a switch, figure out what matters most to you. Do you want full-time or part-time work, or does that not matter? Are you open to travel? Do you need consistent work hours or remote work opportunities? Know what you need, and make it clear to potential employers. That way, you’ll be more likely to be happy with your new path.

This kind of advance planning saves you from wasting time pursuing the wrong jobs and lets you focus on positions you’d most want.

One tip: Don’t blurt out your work requirements in a first job interview. Instead, focus on your skills and the job’s fit. Once you’re sure the job is one you want and the employer is interested in you, then you can start talking about your preferences for your working hours and location.

Mistake No. 4: Not Seeking Training First

It may be wise to acquire new skills before making a career switch. Otherwise, jumping in to a new field too quickly can set you back.

Instead of getting in over your head, setting yourself up for failure and stress, go slowly, carving out time for training on the side while you stay in your current position. This not only enhances your resumé but also provides you with valuable hands-on experience that will make you a better job candidate when you are ready to change careers.

Research the skills expected of candidates in the field you hope to enter. Then, seek training opportunities that will give you a leg up — and an inside look into the work required.

Search for online, self-paced courses that you can take at home. Also, consider in-person conferences, workshops and events that offer learning opportunities as well as networking.

Mistake No. 5: Not Having a Plan B

You’re enthused about your new career, but it’s important to do a reality check. A career change can be risky, and doing it without a backup plan can leave you with no paycheck or job. That’s why you need a Plan B if the new job doesn’t pan out, the interviews don’t go well or you decide your intended path is not right for you.

You don’t need another job lined up for Plan B, though. Just set yourself up for success if things fall through. Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Ensure your resumé and professional-facing social media networks are always current. Put photos from recent networking events on Instagram or add new certifications to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Build a strong network. Stay connected and be a resource to others. What goes around comes around, and you may need to ask one of your contacts for help.
  • Make a list of employers you’d like to work for, along with contacts you have at them. If your career switch doesn’t pan out, you’ll then be ready to start looking for other opportunities.

Author: Next Avenue

America is in the midst of an age boom and with it, an amazing transition. In general, those over the age of 50 are expected to live longer than any previous generation…. | October 9, 2019

#CareerAdvice : #JobChange – How to #SwitchCareers in Six Months or Less…Use these Steps to Learn How to Gather the #Skills, Resources, and Connections to Make a Meaningful #CareerMove within Months

While the popular adage is true, sometimes the time spend and money send can get in the way of truly following a new path.
With technology, making a career change (within reason) has never been easier. Using tools like LinkedInUdemy, and, yes even YouTube, you can learn the skills of a trade and connect with the masters within it.
Use these steps to learn how to gather the skillsresources, and connections to make a meaningful career move within months (without incurring another wave of student debt!)


Maybe you hate your current job. Maybe you’re simply nonplussed with the day to day work and you want something more. Maybe you actually like the function of your job, but dislike your current company. Whatever it is, make sure to identify the why of your desired career move before you take action.
From there, asses your best skills along with your passions. Perhaps you’ve been drafting press releases or doing ad-hoc social media work for your current company. Maybe you’ve done a little graphic work as needed outside of your otherwise administrative roles. Assess your interests and relative experience in order to determine your desired career direction.

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What Skill Sets do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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So you want to be a graphic designer? Awesome! You know those LinkedIn connections you made in college; the friend of a friend of a former coworker?
Rifle through these connections. You might be surprised what you find hiding in your own LinkedIn connections of Facebook friends. Speaking of friends, speak to them too. More often than not, someone will know someone who is open to talk to you.
Reach out to see if they’d be willing to meet with you. While they might not have a job hot and ready, it’s a perfect opportunity to ask a few questions over a coffee.


Unless you’re looking to become an anesthesiologist or a trial attorney, you can likely build your skill set without applying to graduate school.
There are boundless opportunities to learn things on the internet (we rounded a ton of them up here). Resources like UdemyCoursera, and Alison offer hundreds of free classes—you can learn anything from project management to web design.
Even if you’re not looking to change your career (why are you reading this?) you should take advantage of these free classes. Heck, we all should learn about Probabilistic Graphical Models because, why not?


This is my personal favorite thing to do, so approach with wary pessimism if you must.
Once you have a clear idea of the position you want and type of company you’d like to work for, considering reaching out the employees there. A personalized, well-researched cold email can be the perfect way to garner a new relationship.
You don’t have to come in too hot, revealing that you went 80 weeks deep into a CEO’s Instagram, but you can express a knowledgeable, thoughtful sentence or two. In addition, lay out your interest in the company and inquire as to whether they will be hiring for *your role* in the near future. If you see a gap in the team roster, you might even suggest the need for *your role* and why.
Consider sending out a few cold emails to your dream companies that might hold your dream future job. You can even reach out to employees at your dream company using LinkedIn! At best, you will manifest a miraculous job opening in your field. At worst, you will receive no reply.


If you love the company you are currently with, you might consider this option. Speak to your HR manager about the moves you’re thinking of making.
Before reaching out to HR or your manager, have a good case ready. If you’re looking to move from Sales to Graphic Design, have a good plan in place. Does the graphic design department have an opening? Is there a particular project that you can participate in on a trial basis? Would you be willing to train your replacement? Is there a possibility of a hybrid role?
If your current company is not responsive to your ideas, then consider making the move within your industry. Having a working knowledge of the business landscape within your particular industry is key. When applying to this new position in a new company, make sure to explain your career transition. Use your working knowledge of the industry as a tool to set you apart from the other candidate.
It’s never too late to make a career change. However, it is important to weigh your expectations when doing so. Typically, when making a complete change in your career, you will in effect “lose” some of your experience. This can translate to a lower salary than you’re used to receiving. So before making any huge moves, make sure to reevaluate your salary expectations.
Ultimately, we want you to feel fulfilled in your career. And if you know that it’s time for a transition, we support you in that. These tips will help you to begin your pursuit of a new industry, position, or company—whatever you decide your next move is. | BY CAILEEN KEHAYAS   | August 13, 2018