
#BestofFSCBlog : Over 300K+ Reads! One Stop #JobSearch Read- How to Get a Job. Tons of Articles/Links!

We’d like to deliver you some very good news: a job search doesn’t have to be tough, and neither does landing a new job—if you know exactly how to get a job, that is.

Some job seekers, for example, don’t realize that a handwritten thank you notesent post-interview can clinch the job deal, while others have never heard of applicant tracking systems—technology that reads resumes and chucks those that are missing job description keywords in the trash. But with this insider information, you can defy the odds and land your dream job—all while making it look oh-so-easy.

Here are 13 pieces of advice that will strengthen your job search and help you get a job that fits your life.


  1. How to Get a Job #1. Pay attention to your social media presence.
  2. How to Get a Job #2. Highlight your transferable skills.
  3. How to Get a Job #3. Use your words.
  4. How to Get a Job #4. Tell a compelling story in your cover letter.
  5. How to Get a Job #5. Catch your resume mistakes.
  6. How to Get a Job #6. Prepare for an interview before you get it.
  7. How to Get a Job #7. Dress for the job you want.
  8. How to Get a Job #8. Show off your likable side.
  9. How to Get a Job #9. Always send a thank-you note.
  10. How to Get a Job #10. Avoid getting too personal in interviews.
  11. How to Get a Job #11. Don’t talk about money during an initial interview.
  12. How to Get a Job #12. Be proactive during the interview.
  13. How to Get a Job #13. Use social media to brand yourself.
  14. How to Get a Job #14. Seal the deal by negotiating.
  15. Learn More!

How to Get a Job #1. Pay attention to your social media presence.

Recruiters and hiring managers will be looking at your resume, of course—but they also want to see complementary online content, too, such as your LinkedIn profile and online resume. In fact, one recruiter told Glassdoor she likes to see attachments, project work, videos, or blogs, too. 

Read More: The Printed Resume vs. The Online Profile: Why You Still Need Both

How to Get a Job #2. Highlight your transferable skills.

You want to show off why you’re right for a particular role. But you also want to make clear why you’re right for any role, we’ve heard recruiters say. So, when it comes to your resume and cover letter, focus on the skills and experience you have that would make you an ideal candidate anywhere. Then, in an interview, be ready to share how you’ll relay those skills in the new role.   

Read More: Ask a Resume Writer: How Do I Showcase Transferable Skills?

How to Get a Job #3. Use your words.

And more specifically, use the right words. Applicant tracking systems scan resumes in search of keywords, and throw out any that don’t contain them before they have the chance to be seen by human eyes. So how can you game the tech? It’s easy. Read the job description for the job you’re applying—then see how those words stack up against similar job postings. Words that repeat across multiple listings belong on your resume—preferably at the top, as well as in context.

Read More: 13 Must-Have Words to Include In Your Resume

How to Get a Job #4. Tell a compelling story in your cover letter.

You don’t want to simply repeat what’s on your resume when you write your cover letter. Rather, you want to dig a little deeper, answering questions a potential employer might ask such as: what makes this company your go-to choice, and why is this company special to you? Answer the questions in as much detail as possible to stand out from the crowd.

Read More: Ask a Resume Writer: How Can I Show Culture Fit?

How to Get a Job #5. Catch your resume mistakes.

It’s not enough to run a simple spell check on your resume. You’ll need to employ some special editing tactics—such as reading your resume backward and asking a friend to proofread for you—in order to catch every mistake on the page. There’s even editing software specifically for resumes. If you allow an error to sneak in, you are sending the employer an unintended and incorrect message that you are sloppy and don’t care about your work.  

Read More: 6 Resume Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs

How to Get a Job #6. Prepare for an interview before you get it.

You won’t be caught off guard by an interview question if you’ve studied the common questions asked by recruiters and managers alike. Plus, knowing your responses in advance will keep you cool, calm, and collected during the interview—confidence any employer will be pleased to see.

Read More: The 50 Most Common Interview Questions

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What Skill Sets do You have to be ‘Sharpened’ ?

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How to Get a Job #7. Dress for the job you want.

It’s not enough to slip out of sweatpants and put on something fancy. You have to dress for success and be comfortable in what you’re wearing. If you’re uncomfortable, you might lose some confidence in the interview. But if you look and feel good, you job savvy should easily shine through.

Read More: 6 Perfect Interview Outfits for Every Occasion

How to Get a Job #8. Show off your likable side.

An interview doesn’t have to be all business. In fact, applicants willing to show their personalities are received better by managers than people who remain tight-lipped during the interview. That’s because this manager could become your boss—and he or she wants to make sure you can get along well. Share your personality when answering questions and resist the urge to respond robotically.

Read More: 6 Anecdotes You Need to Rehearse Before Your Next Interview

How to Get a Job #9. Always send a thank-you note.

A recent study found that 86 percent of hiring managers said not sending a thank-you note shows lack of follow-through. So follow-up—and show off your manners—with a handwritten note on nice paper or even in an email. The point is to do it, and do it promptly; the medium doesn’t matter as much. In the note, thank your potential employer for his or her time, and be sure to share about something you learned during the interview. Why? Sharing the lesson shows you were paying attention to the employer, and you’re serious about the role.

Read More: How to Write A Winning Thank You Letter

How to Get a Job #10. Avoid getting too personal in interviews.

Turns out, some of the answers you think are appropriate to share—like your favorite childhood memory when asked question, “Tell me about yourself”—are actually a turnoff to recruiters, and in some cases, can cost you the job. So just like you’ll practice what to say in the interview, you should also research what not to say to a potential employer.

Read More: 40 Interview Questions You Should Be Prepared to Ask & Answer

How to Get a Job #11. Don’t talk about money during an initial interview.

Bringing up any salary questions during an initial interview—especially a phone interview—is a big no-no, career experts say. Why? It’s simply not the appropriate time, because you haven’t made it far enough into the interview process. So save the money talk for a second or third interview, when it’s clear you’re taking steps toward landing the job.

Read More: How to Address Salary at Each Stage of the Application Process

How to Get a Job #12. Be proactive during the interview.

Rather than allow for the recruiter or hiring manager to ask you all of the questions, be confident and proactive during your time together. You’ve researched the company’s culture and mission on Glassdoor, and you’re looking for a job that fits your life. Therefore it’s important to dig deeper. If you ask questions about management style, professional development, performances measurements and team collaboration, you’ll show a potential employer you’re both an informed candidate and serious about the job.  

Read More: The 45 Questions You Should Ask In Every Job Interview

How to Get a Job #13. Use social media to brand yourself.

Hopefully, you know by now that Facebook statuses that describe wild nights with friends can a turnoff to potential employers. But did you know that you can use social media to build a personal brand, making you more attractive to a hiring manager? One easy way to do just that is to expand from what’s on your resume—you can post pictures or summaries of projects you’ve worked on, include a short bio about your skills, or share articles that show you’re an expert in your industry.

Read More: Hate Social Media? Here’s Why You Should Reconsider

How to Get a Job #14. Seal the deal by negotiating.

The final stage of getting a job is negotiating the package. While compensation often comes to mind first, remember that there are far more facets of the job that you can customize than you think. From benefits to work-from-home optionsstock options to a travel stipend, there’s a lot on the table. Make a list of the things that are most important to you and that you’ll need to execute your job well. Be sure to check Know Your Worth to make sure their base salary offer is competitive with the market. Then, speak to your hiring manager and the recruiter about whether those needs can be fulfilled. These days, negotiating is an expected part of the job search process. Ask as many questions as you need and get the answers you need to make the best job decision for you.

Read More: 11 Words and Phrases to Use in Salary Negotiations if You Want to Succeed

Learn More!

Getting a job can feel like winning the lotto. However, with a few tips and tricks, getting job will have much better odds. Here are additional resources to help you on your path to finding a job that fits your life:

How to Write a Resume

How to Write A Cover Letter

The Ultimate Job Interview Preparation Guide

How to Prepare for a Behavioral Interview

50 Most Common Interview Questions

How to Negotiate Your Salary

How to Network | May 29, 2019

#BestofFSCBlog : #InterviewingQuestions -How to Answer: What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses? Bonus: Complete List of Other Questions Asked! A Must Read!

Job interviews can get surprisingly intimate. You’ve only met the interviewer 10 minutes ago, and all of a sudden they’re hitting you with a very deep set of questions: What are your greatest strengths? What are your weaknesses? These questions can take enormous powers of self-reflection to give an honest answer to. Rather than making your interviewer sit silently while you parse out what your greatest weakness is and how it’s impacted your career, it’s better to think of answers to these types of questions beforehand.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to identify your strengths and weaknesses, how to frame them in a clear, compelling narrative and what common pitfalls to avoid. You may even learn some new things about yourself along the way!


  1. What Is the “Strengths and Weaknesses” Question?
  2. Determining Your Strengths
  3. Determining Your Weaknesses
  4. How to Weave a Story
  5. What to Avoid
  6. Learn More!

What Is the “Strengths and Weaknesses” Question?

You’ll almost always hear these questions in one form or another during a job interview.

Employers want to hear in your own words why you’re a good fit for the job and for the company. They might want to assess what potential issues there could be, too. It’s a chance for them to assess your capacity to be self-reflective.

Whether the question you’re asked is “what attributes will make you shine in this role?” or “what areas of your approach to work are you looking to improve?”, taking a hard look at your strengths and weaknesses — and learning how to communicate them effectively in a professional setting — will be invaluable for your next interview.


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Determining Your Strengths

Generally, you’ll focus on your soft skills as strengths — there are other ways for interviewers and recruiters to glean hard skills, whether it’s through take-home assignments, a coding interview or examples of your past work. But with soft skills, you have to tell them the story.

“Don’t feel that your response needs to match what you said your manager and colleagues think of you,” said Sharlyn Lauby, president of consulting firm ITM Group Inc and founder of HR Bartender, to Glassdoor. “It’s perfectly natural to say, ‘One skill I haven’t been able to use much in my current role is [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][insert skill]. I hope to use it more in the role we’re discussing.’”

Here are some examples of strengths. Which ones do you identify with? Can you think of more that have helped you shine in your career?

  • Good communicator
  • Team player
  • Time management abilities
  • Conflict resolution
  • Ability to perform under pressure

Depending on the job, you might also choose to include hard skills in your strengths, citing your ability to code in a variety of languages, your knowledge of a foreign language or your experience as a copy editor as examples of why you would be a strong candidate for the job.

Determining Your Weaknesses

Determining our strengths is generally easier; it’s fun to reflect on and celebrate our successes. But what about the areas where we struggle? Do you ever set aside the time to take a look in the mirror to see where you are letting others — and yourself — down, and how you can improve?

“Employers expect candidates to have weaknesses… so you are better served by answering the question frankly.  A candid answer will show your prospective employer your growth-mindset and will demonstrate a sense of self-awareness and honesty,” writes Jeevan Balani, Founder and CEO of Rocket Interview and frequent Glassdoor contributor.

Here are some examples of common career weaknesses. Can you identify with any of them? If so, what have you done to improve these weaknesses?

  • Wanting to control too many aspects of a situation
  • Procrastination
  • Inability to self-regulate, leading to burnout
  • Disorganized
  • Impatient

Again, you might choose to highlight some hard skills that are a weakness for you too, for example not being good with math, not being versed in a particular type of software or having trouble spelling — but only if it’s non-essential to the role.

How to Weave a Story

Now that you’ve got a solid list of your strengths and weaknesses, is it enough just to list them out when you’re asked during a job interview? Absolutely not! Backing up each strength or weakness with a relevant anecdote is critical to giving the interviewer the full picture of why you excel in one area, or what areas you’re working to get better in.

As an exercise to prepare, for every strength on your list, write down a story that showcases how you effectively used that strength to accomplish something in your career. For every weakness, write down a story about how that weakness had (or could have had) a negative repercussion in your career — then write what you learned from it, and what you’re actively doing to improve it.

Especially when answering about your weaknesses, framing is critical. You don’t want to make it seem like your flaws are immutable, or worse, incriminate yourself. You also don’t want to turn your weakness into a humblebrag, like “it’s hard for others to keep up with me because I think so fast.” So striking a reflective tone is key, which you can do by highlighting what you have learned about your weakness, and what you are doing to improve it.

On a more general note, try to match your strengths to the job description. It’s great if you’re a pro at skill X, but the job requires skills A, B and C, then your expertise in skill X might not be relevant. Similarly, keep the job description in mind when you share your weaknesses. If you’re applying for a job in copy editing, it’s probably not a good idea to say that your weakness is spelling.

Also, research on the company’s culture can help you decide which strengths and weaknesses to highlight, and how. If the company is known to be fast-paced and dynamic, you might want to highlight your strength in juggling many projects at once or your ability to pivot quickly to new tasks. But also be honest — if you find during your research that the company culture doesn’t seem like a good fit for you, then you might want to take a step back and reconsider, rather than trying to squeeze yourself into a mold that doesn’t quite fit.

Here are some example anecdotes for the strengths and weakness we defined above:


  • I work well in teams. When my division reorganized and I was put on a team with people from different backgrounds and experience levels without a clear hierarchy, there was a lot of friction. I organized regular bonding sessions for our team that helped break down some boundaries in the office. I also took it upon myself to take some of the more cumbersome tasks that others didn’t want to do. When I left, a number of people on the team thanked me for the diplomacy and harmony I fostered in our work environment.
  • I’m good at time management. When I worked as a marketing manager, I had to schedule the release of promotional materials, get materials ready for a launch date and time when to stoke interest in my company’s products before their release. I would make detailed calendars with every step of a campaign before embarking, which included estimating time and making due dates for even the smallest of tasks. It was this ability that led to the success of the XYZ product launch, the most intensive project I worked on while at the company.
  • I perform well under pressure. When I worked as a consultant, I often had to give presentations to high-level executives at the company we were consulting at a day’s notice or less. I had to quickly learn how to speak confidently and fluently about material I had only drawn up the day before. Sometimes I would be interrupted and challenged, and I had to stand my ground, explain myself clearly and keep my cool. I believe that skill will make me a good fit in this role as a spokesperson.


  • I have a tendency to procrastinate. This really came to a head when I was working on a big project, and overestimated the amount of work I could do at the last second. I ended up narrowly making the deadline, but it caused my team and my manager a lot of stress. After that, I started learning more about time management from my mentors at work, and I’ve started making detailed schedules weeks — and even months — ahead. I’m still working to create accurate timelines that I can easily follow, but I am heartened because I’ve found that it actually puts me at ease to work with a schedule.
  • I can be impatient, and this has caused me to sometimes micromanage my employees. I used to hound employees in advances of deadlines, because I was afraid if I didn’t, they wouldn’t turn in the work on time. I now see it cause a lot of stress for my employees, and I’m working to trust that they will get things in on time. So far, not a single deadline has been missed!
  • I have had a tendency to work until I reach burnout. After a while, I started noticing a pattern in my career that I would work very hard on projects, staying up all night to finish them in advance of deadlines, and making it a goal for myself to be the first one in the office every morning and the last one to leave. Ultimately, this was unsustainable, and after a big project I would often crash, and either become sick and have to miss work, or be lethargic while I was there. I’m now learning how to impose healthy limits on myself and to stick to a doable schedule so that I don’t risk burning out like that again.

What to Avoid

Told right, your answer to this question can inspire the interviewer and give them an intimate picture into how you work. It can help them assess whether your strengths and weakness will make you the right fit for your job, if your disposition will be a good fit with the team you’re working on and if you’ll fit into the company culture as a whole. But there’s a few things you need to keep in mind when delivering your answer, so that it doesn’t come off as bragging, overly humble or other common pitfalls.

  • Don’t brag.
  • Don’t minimize yourself by dwelling on your weaknesses
  • Don’t give examples that are too unrelated to work
  • Don’t ramble
  • Don’t give an example that will set off a red flag in the interviewer’s mind

“HR pros see through the, ‘I’m a perfectionist,’ response,” Lauby says. It’s still possible to keep it positive, though. For example, an answer Lauby gave: “I recently attended a customer service training program and I was reminded of some problem-solving skills that I need to start using again,” will certainly get the job done.

This interview question can be tricky, but don’t stress too much — with proper preparation, you’ve got it in the bag!

Learn More

How to Master the Art of Bragging Like a Pro

How to Answer “What Is Your Greatest Weakness?”

8 Words or Phrases to Avoid When You’re Trying to Project Confidence

How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself”

The Dos and Don’ts of Showing Passion in an Interview

The Surprising Reason You’re Not Hearing Back After Job Interview

How to Answer the 50 Most Common Interview Questions

Learn More! | May 21, 2019 


#CareerAdvice : #JobInterviewing – This is How #Introverts Can Prepare for #JobInterviews . A GREAT Read!

Job interviews are stressful for everyone, but this is especially true if you’re an introvert. Small talk and self-promotion can feel especially uncomfortable, but introverts also have characteristics that give them an edge–that is, if they know how to use them, says Jane Finkle, author of The Introvert’s Complete Career Guide: From Landing a Job to Surviving, Thriving, and Moving on Up.

“It’s a myth that introverts are handicapped when it comes to interviewing,” she says. “Introverts have an advantage in interviews because they are keen observers and listeners. This can work in their favor during an interview.”


Introverts have the ability for deep concentration, and they tend to give more thoughtful answers to questions, says Finkle.

“They are not apt to go way off on a tangent,” she says. “They also listen well to questions and think about them carefully. Their strength is that they’re more concise than extroverts, but they do have a challenge in making sure their answers are complete with enough support.”

Introverts are also good at observation and can pick up what’s going on in the interview. For example, if an interviewer looks at their watch, it can signal that they’re losing interest; an introvert might recognize that it’s time to try to interject something in the conversation that might generate more energy, says Finkle.

Introverts also tend to be diplomatic and are unlikely to insult someone–intentionally or unintentionally. “They’re more sensitive and empathetic,” she says. “If an interviewer is discussing challenges, they might be better at addressing them or providing support.”

Finally, introverts are good at digging deep into research, which can give them an advantage when discussing the potential employer. “They will likely research the employer with a quick Google check,” says Finkle. “They should also check the LinkedIn profile of the person they’re interviewing with. Also, see if they’ve written any articles about the industry or been acknowledged for a project or award.” Knowing this information can provide an advantage during the interview conversation.


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While everyone can benefit from preparation, it’s essential if you’re an introvert. “Being prepared will boost confidence, which introverts often need,” says Finkle.

Start by preparing answers to common interview questions. Employers often ask behavioral questions, such as, “Can you tell me about a time you failed at something?”

“Think about two or three problems you faced at work and how you resolved them,” says Finkle. “What did you do that was unique? How did you use your talent and skills? And what did you learn about yourself in terms of making decisions?”

When reflecting on answers to common questions, plan your delivery, suggests Finkle. “We live in a narrative culture,” she says. “It’s important to tell a story that has a beginning, a middle, and an end. The end is the most important; it reflects the outcome or result of a project.”

Introverts can focus on a specific area of their career, says Finkle. For example, what accomplishment have you done where you made an impact? Did you introduce different innovations to solve a problem?

“This is what an employer is most interested in,” says Finkle. “And be able to use assertive language. For example, ‘I was successful because I did a lot of research on a new trend and introduced it to the team.’”

An introvert’s style tends to be quieter and not as dynamic as an extrovert, says Finkle. “While you don’t need to change who you are, find a way to show some excitement for the field,” she says. “You can do this by asking questions or by describing what it is about the industry that generates excitement for you.”


Once they feel prepared, introverts need to practice and rehearse for the interview. This will help you become more comfortable with your answers and actions. It helps to ask a trusted friend or colleague to conduct a mock interview.

“Have the person throw out questions and then provide feedback on content and body language,” she says. “Introverts are often modest and tend to shrink into their chair and don’t maintain good eye contact. They need a witness and observer.”

If a mock interview with a friend isn’t available, videotape yourself and then play it back to observe how well you answer questions and how you hold your body while doing it. Preparation and practice will help an introvert put it all together.

On the day of the interview, build confidence through visualization, says Finkle.

“Close your eyes and visualize walking into the interview, shaking hands, and being able to handle questions with diplomacy and a sense of confidence,” she suggests. “It’s also great to exercise before an interview as it releases endorphins and tends to calm anxiety. We live in a mindfulness culture, so even deep breathing can help.”

The interview is the time to stand up and let employers see who you are. “Recognize that your introversion can be an asset,” says Finkle. “Embrace your nature and let your natural attributes shine.” | March 27, 2019 | BY STEPHANIE VOZZA  4 MINUTE READ

#CareerAdvice : #JobInterview -This is the Best Way to Follow Up After an #Interview to Stand Out. A Great REad!

The interview went well and you left feeling optimistic about the potential of getting an offer. If you’re like the majority of job seekers, you’ll take a wait-and-see attitude, checking your email and keeping your fingers crossed. This can be a mistake.

“Just because interview is over doesn’t mean you should stop,” says Helen Oloroso, assistant dean and director of the McCormick Office of Career Development at Northwestern University. “Following up is an important part of the process.”

So what should you do next?


A thank-you note is the single strongest thing you can do, says Oloroso. “If you find out during the interview that the hiring timeline is several weeks away, pop a thank-you note in the mail right away,” she says.

It could pay off–literally. A recent report from iCIMS found that only 26% of entry-level job candidates typically send a thank-you note after a job interview. If you miss this step, you could be leaving money on the table; 63% of recruiters say they would be more likely to hire someone who wanted slightly more money and sent a thank-you note than someone who wanted slightly less money but did not send a thank-you note.

The note should focus on three objectives: thanking each person for his or her time, explaining why this is a perfect-fit role, and asking how you can be helpful in the interim, says Keca Ward, senior director of talent acquisition at the talent relationship marketing platform Phenom People.

“Underlay the note with personalization,” she says. “Mention a moment in the conversation that adds personality and highlights that you were listening.”

And don’t be afraid to get creative. “One of my recruiters was once sent a chocolate foot with a note saying, ‘Would love to get a foot in the door,’” says Ward. “Ideas like this leave a lasting impression and are a great way to stand out.”


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“If a decision is imminent and they’re saying you are the last candidate before they make decision, a card may not reach the person in time, so sending an email is more important,” say Oloroso.

Make sure an email is customized to each interviewer, says Katie Barnes, director of people operations at Bankers Healthcare Group, a company that offers financing solutions for healthcare professionals.

“We receive a lot of thank-you emails from candidates, which is great; however, most of the time they are pretty standard and the candidate sends the same email to everyone who interviewed or they will send one email and ask that we pass it on to the rest of the team,” she says. “When each person who interviews a candidate receives a personal email thanking them for their time, along with specifics on how they feel they would be a great fit or how they could move the needle at our organization, it always catches our attention.”


If you don’t hear anything after your interview, it’s acceptable to check in, says Oloroso. But be sure to ask for a timeline of the hiring decision before you leave the interview.

“You need to develop sensitivity as to how frequently to reach back out to check on the status of your application,” she says. “I’ve had candidates who check in every day or couple days and that’s too much. The hiring manager can begin to form negative impression, and reaching out too frequently can backfire. There’s a fine line between being needy and desperate and engaged and interested.”

Use the check-in to restate your interest in the position. “You can say, ‘This job is appealing to me because of the opportunity to work with a great team or to do important work,’” says Oloroso. “Until an offer is on the table, your focus should be on what you can do for the company.”


Keep networking after the interview, says Oloroso. “You can ask for informational interviews with other people in the company,” she suggests. “And continue to gather information. If you’re invited back for round two or three of the interview process, you’ll have something more meaningful or deep to say as result of networking, and that will distinguish you from the other candidates.”

Oloroso suggests learning about the job, the company, and the industry. “Have 12 questions ready,” she suggests. “Three or four should be on the job; others should be on the unit, company, and industry.”


You might consider connecting on LinkedIn, but you might want to wait, advises Shelley Osborne, head of learning and development at the online learning platform Udemy.

“It may seem innocuous enough, but as a hiring manager it could feel as though it’s crossing some boundary,” she says. “If you’re successful and land the role, you will likely connect anyway, so why not wait? If you aren’t the candidate selected, this could feel invasive. If the interviewer requests to connect with you, they likely want to know more about you and potentially keep you in mind for future roles as well.” | March 12, 2019 | BY STEPHANIE VOZZA 4 MINUTE READ

#CareerAdvice : #PregnantJobSearch – Here’s What Happened When I Interviewed for a New Job while Heavily Pregnant. Great Read!

I don’t know how else to start this story except with the punchline: I started interviewing for a senior position at an ad agency while six and a half months pregnant.

I got a job offer at eight months and received a formal contract two weeks after giving birth to my second daughter. I didn’t start my new, big, full-time gig until I’d enjoyed five months off with my delicious baby girl.

I do not share this to boast. I share it because every woman who’s found this out has looked at me, wide-eyed, asked to hear every detail, and then implored me to tell every woman I know.

Because it’s a sadly uncommon tale, right?

Our societal norm looks more like this: a professional woman finds out she’s pregnant and stays in her current position whether she likes it or not. She stays because of maternity leave and health care. Because she fears rejection. Because she feels ill and exhausted and can’t deal.

For many reasons, women’s professional mobility can be largely limited during pregnancy. Pregnancy alone is 10 months, and combine that with any amount of time trying to get pregnant plus the postpartum period, and suddenly two years go by. Given that the average 25 to 34-year-old female stays with a job for only 2.8 years, this period of time with limited job movement is significant. And that’s just for one child.

I did not consciously decide to fight against this current. What initially happened to me was in line with the standard tale. I found myself at three months pregnant ready to make a professional move but realized my timing was lousy. Impossible even. I’d loved my latest experience and coworkers, but felt I’d grown as much as I could within my role and the company at large. I was ready to start looking for my next challenge. But job searching takes time, and I’d be lucky to find an opportunity by the time I was six months pregnant, and who would hire me then?

Like many pregnant women, I internally shrugged my shoulders and accepted my fate. I would stay put, I told myself. Use this time to figure out my next move, take my maternity leave, and start interviewing when I became hirable again (i.e. after the baby was born).

But impatience nagged at me. I started responding to recruiter messages, just out of curiosity. Or so I told myself. These calls often went well, but when I eventually shared that I was pregnant–because I’m honest like that–the script cut to a quick and common finale. “Oh, congrats! You’re like the third woman I’ve spoken with this month who’s pregnant. There must be something in the air. Okay, let’s talk after the baby is born.”

These recruiters were other women. And I wasn’t even offended at the time. All it did was reinforce my own assumption that I was indeed stuck for now. I once again shrugged my shoulders and told myself that it was all for the best. It’d force me to relax, take my time and make a really thoughtful decision about my next move.

As part of this exploration, I reached out to past colleagues I’d always liked and admired, and asked them to reconnect over coffee. After one such meeting, with a man I used to work with but hadn’t connected with in over a decade, I became particularly interested and excited. He was now president of Heat, an ad agency, and I found myself thinking the agency was potentially the fit I’d been looking for. I could tell he was interested in my experience as well. We parted ways by agreeing to reconnect after the baby was born when I was ready to make a move.


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In all fairness to him, I had learned to open any and all networking coffees by pointing to the obvious baby bump in my belly and clarifying that I was just using this time to explore my next step. Of course, I wasn’t looking to make a move right now. I certainly contributed to setting my own limitations, but no one I met with encouraged me to consider otherwise.

After this fruitful networking coffee, I came home and excitedly told my husband about it. But I soon found myself expressing disappointment that I couldn’t just jump at the opportunity now. I tried to shrug my shoulders yet again, but my disappointment quickly shifted into annoyance. This sucks. My husband wouldn’t have to wait for months to pursue an opportunity because we’re having a baby. Why should I?

It’s at this moment my story takes an uncommon turn.

Instead of quieting that voice, I decided to challenge the status quo for acceptable pregnant lady behavior. I did something the next day that everyone in my life thought was crazy, including me. I reached back out to the man I’d had coffee with to say, “I’m actually ready to talk seriously now if you are.”

This was a scary thing to do. It opened me up to being judged or rejected by someone whom I wanted to maintain a good rapport. Exhibiting professional ambition while also being thrilled to have a child on the way can be a really delicate tightrope for women to walk. Pregnancy is a giant visual reminder of the dichotomy between work and family, stamped across a woman’s body. I knew full well that I wasn’t as desirable as a candidate at that moment as I’d typically be. I was terrified to send that email.

The moment I pressed send, I knew I’d feel better about the outcome than if I’d just kept quiet, no matter what his response was. If he said, “Awesome, let’s have you meet some people,” I’d feel confident pursuing the opportunity completely as myself, baby and all. If he said, “Nah, we’re not interested in talking to you until this baby thing is over and done with,” I’d learn upfront they weren’t likely people I’d want to work with as a new mom anyway.

His response was immediate and positive. He set me up to interview with my current boss at Heat, with whom I had another interesting and exciting conversation. He then moved me forward to meet with more people, all of whom didn’t blink that I was pregnant. It was amazing.

This isn’t to say it was a breeze interviewing while six, seven, and eight months pregnant. I felt exposed and insecure in such a maternal state. My interview shtick had a look to it, and that absolutely did not include a giant basketball in my stomach or waddling into conference rooms. Pregnancy didn’t allow me to don my typical armor, one that most of us wear in some form or another.

Again though, what initially felt terrifyingly vulnerable took a positive turn. It was the first time I’d ever come from a place of, “Take me or leave me as I am,” in a professional setting. There was no hiding the fact that I’d come with some baggage. That I’d have other priorities outside of work. That they’d be hiring a mom of little ones and all the inconveniences that can bring.

It ended up being the most empowering experience of my professional life to date. Interviewing while pregnant challenged me to lower my guard and be fully myself from Day One. As a woman in advertising, I had learned to brand myself according to what’s appealing to my industry–as most women in most industries do. Motherhood is definitely not included in that picture. Not having had any working moms to look to as examples in my early career was part of what drove me away from the industry. Most of the ad-women I worked with left after having children because they too felt they didn’t have a place in it, for a multitude of reasons. If I was going to come back to an agency after years of applying my skills elsewhere, doing so while enormously pregnant seemed almost absurd. It forced me to put forward the very thing I was most insecure about in this field: my femininity.

Funny how life works sometimes.

At eight months pregnant, after a process that was nothing but positive, I received a formal job offer for a position I hadn’t dreamed of pursuing months prior.

What about maternity leave? Given my unique timing and the fact that I didn’t receive a contract and negotiate final details until after my baby was born, I couldn’t take advantage of my new employer’s maternity leave. Instead, I took the three and a half months of maternity leave I received from my former employer and the state of California.

My new employer initially hoped I’d start after three months off with the baby, but I told them I’d be a better employee if I could start after five months. They supported this request. And the six weeks of unpaid leave I was planning to take all along was essentially paid for with the salary increase I received.

I realize I was very fortunate. Not every woman has any maternity leave to begin with, nor is every new employer so inclined to be flexible with family leave time. However, I believe this is all the more reason for women to be their own best advocates during this time of life.

What about starting a new job with a new baby? I won’t lie: it wasn’t easy. It brought up a whole new set of vulnerabilities. I can see why some women choose to stick with something comfortable and known during that phase of life. Most of my new co-workers didn’t know I had a tiny baby and a four-year-old at home, and it’s not exactly something you bring up in early conversations. Because they also didn’t yet know me or my work, I worried about coming off as less sharp than I’d normally be.

Between having to pump twice a day, kids getting sick, me getting sick, and juggling the life logistics of a dual-working home in a big city with little children whom I insist upon seeing every morning and night when not traveling, I literally couldn’t give 100% of myself to the new gig. Nine months into the job, I still can’t. But again, this forced me to be true to myself and my life values more than I’d ever been at work before. I had to establish stronger boundaries around my time and was then able to learn that my work and reputation didn’t suffer by doing so.

I also felt an immediate sense of respect and loyalty to my new organization. It says a lot about an organization and its leadership when they extend a senior position to a woman at that late stage of pregnancy and then happily wait a half year for her to start. This illustrated a level of value for women and moms and was a great indication of Heat’s culture and values. Not surprisingly, this agency is the best organization I’ve ever worked for when it comes to caring for its employees and actively pursuing excellence in diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

For anyone inspired by my fortunate tale, I’ll end this story with a bit of advice as anyone who experiences good luck suddenly feels qualified to do.

Companies, consider the motivation, loyalty, and progress you can cultivate by pursuing women who are pregnant. Be open to working with them to get creative about maternity leave options, signing bonuses, access to health care or other workarounds. I know this is particularly challenging for small businesses or smaller teams, but hiring the right person is also valuable in the long run.

Recruiters, don’t assume pregnancy is a pause button for women or companies. You could be hurting both parties by doing so. If women say they aren’t interested in making a move because of pregnancy, politely ask if that’s actually true or if they’re just assuming the company won’t want them. Be a champion for your female clients during this phase of their lives.

Women, dare to actively pursue professional growth while pregnant. If you feel the pull to do so, that is. We can work to unstick ourselves. You never know what kinds of opportunities might arise, and how you might be able to make them fit within your pregnancy, maternity leave, and future family lives.

Author: At work, Jen Watts Welsh is a Group Strategy Director with Heat. At home, she is the head of strategy for two tiny girl bosses. At play, she avoids all things strategic and can be found in child’s pose or drinking strong coffee. | February 19, 2019

#CareerAdvice : #InterviewingSkills – Nailing It. How to be Prepared for a Job Interview.

The interview is the “sweaty palms” part of the job-hunting process that no one enjoys (even a well-prepared candidate can be tripped up by a clever, unexpected question from a hiring manager). Most people see it as an ordeal to survive.

It’s unfortunate that more people fail to see the job interview for what it is: a great opportunity to sell yourself, to separate from the competition through diligent research and detailed preparation. What’s more, it’s the best way for a potential employer to get to know the real you. A resume can get you noticed, but it doesn’t really tell someone what kind of person you are, how you’re likely to act under pressure, or what your dreams are.


Remember, you can’t be too prepared for a job interview. That doesn’t mean you should sit around stressing about it. It’s all about research and being armed with plenty of information before you show up. Most importantly, being prepared increases the likelihood that you’ll feel relaxed when seated across the desk from a company representative.

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That’s key because someone who’s nervous in an interview has a harder time thinking, responding to questions, and just being themselves. Your prep work should include researching what the company does, what someone in your role would be responsible for, knowing who key personnel within the company are, understanding the industry the company is in, and its position within the industry.

Go over the job description carefully to get a feel for the kind of person they’re looking for, and spend plenty of time on the internet searching for background information you can’t get anywhere else. You’re looking for ways to show that you’re well-informed, engaged, and conversant about what they do. Hitting the web also means spending time on the company’s social media pages and looking for feedback from former employees.

Review Your Background Material

It’s a bad look struggling to answer a question about your background because you just can’t remember. If it’s on your resume, it should be top of mind, so review your resume, cover letter, and job experience carefully so responses come across as natural, thorough, and self-assured.

Remember, a potential employer is interested in all aspects of your background to get a feel for what you’re about. As such, an angry diatribe about your ex-boyfriend may raise some eyebrows. Today, 93 percent of employers include a prospect’s social media profile in their decision, so don’t walk into an interview if your social media presence is questionable. An interviewer is as likely to ask about something on your Facebook page as he or she is to inquire about job experience or education on your resume. Take time to carefully review your social media profile; anything that could come across as inappropriate or unprofessional should be removed.

Think Through the Interview

It’s a good idea to think through the interview and do some rehearsing. Imagine sitting down and being asked to tell the interviewer about yourself. It’s surprising how often this simple question can cause people to stammer and stutter. Knowing how you’ll respond can help you prevent an unnecessarily embarrassing opening to an interview. Spend some time thinking about the “gotcha” questions, like “What is your greatest weakness?”

Being prepared for a job interview is a key part of the hiring process, and it’s as important as putting together an effective resume, so spend all the time you need learning about your prospective employer and getting ready. People have different interviewing styles, and some are more inquisitive and discerning than others, so the more you can do to prepare yourself, the more comfortable you’ll feel when the questions start flying.


FSC Career Blog| January 15, 2019 | Larry Mager @

#Leadership : #InterviewingQuestions – 4 Questions that Employers Should Ask every Job Candidate

When it comes to recruitment, good hiring managers look beyond credentials and the idea of finding someone they’d want to “grab a couple of beers with.” That kind of approach is rife with unconscious bias and isn’t always an accurate prediction of how good they’ll be as an employee.

Good interviews examine candidates holistically. Among other things, this means asking questions that gauge their level of emotional intelligence, how they go about problem solving, and their motivation and driving force at work.

We like to ask the following questions when we’re interviewing applicants. They tell us a lot about the individual, in just a few words.


If you’ve been in a job interview, you’re probably familiar with this question. Hiring managers tend to ask this question at the end.

However, we like to ask this question both at the beginning and at the end. When we ask this at the beginning, we want to know whether you’ve spent time researching our firm and your prospective role. A question like, “What benefits do you see in your day-to-day to your firm being 100% employee-owned?” for example, demonstrates your willingness to really understand us.

When we ask this question at the end of our conversation, we want to find out how you perceive the company as you learn more about us and the role. It’s helpful for us to understand what type of hesitation you might have about the company, and address it early on.

The questions you ask can also demonstrate your experience in the field. The more open-ended and higher-level they are, the more we’ll be able to see your operating style. Are you a quarterback, a wide receiver, or a cheerleader? Are you interested in our autonomous teams and how they operate, or are you more curious about the specific type of software you’d use in a project?

Remember, there are no stupid questions. The only way you can screw this up is by not having any questions at all.


This one’s harsh, we know. But is there any better way to gauge your hesitations about our firm and address them right then and there? This question says a lot about how accommodating the employer will be. We use it as a way to flag any possible long-term problems, and we want to identify how we might overcome those roadblocks together. In addition, this question can also help us train and onboard you in an effective way.

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Yes, we’re interested in your passion, but we also want to know what you focus on at work. Can you get stuff on your own? Do you need guidance? Are you able to ask for help? Do you delegate non-important tasks, or get bogged down by the minutiae? Are you thinking big or small? Where do you see yourself in a hierarchy?

There are no right answers here: It all depends on the type of person we’re looking for. If we’re looking for a project manager, for example, we want someone who can think about the big picture, and delegate the appropriate work to the appropriate team member. If we’re looking for a customer service representative, we want someone who knows how to stay calm under pressure.


This question is my absolute favorite. We all make mistakes at work, but unconditionally, human employers understand that screwing up is part of life. What matters is how we bounce back from setbacks, and how we take others around us into consideration.

Whether it’s yelling at your fiancé the previous evening because they didn’t make a restaurant reservation, or pulling a teammate aside to apologize for an off-handed comment, how you deal with your mistakes is an indication of your willingness to reflect and grow. Just don’t tell us that you’ve never been sorry.

We’ve learned that in order for an interview to be effective, you need to have a two-sided conversation rather than an interrogation. These days, people no longer see work as a place to clock in and clock out–so it’s only in everyone’s best interests to ensure that what we offer as a company is consistent with the employee’s priorities and goals. At the end of the day, that’s the key to a productive and happy workplace.

Eetu Blomqvist is the North America CEO of Reaktor. Nikke Ruokolainen is Reaktor’s head of talent and human resources. | December 18, 2018 | BY EETU BLOMQVIST AND NIKKE RUOKOLAINEN 3 MINUTE READ


#CareerAdvice : #Interviewing – Here’s Your #JobInterview Preparation Checklist…We’ve Compiled a Comprehensive List of Essential Ways to Gear Up for your Interview and Knock it Out of the Park. Ready, set, Prep!

So you applied for a job online, and just got a call from the recruiter asking if you can interview with the hiring manager. You are super excited until you hear that the interview is happening in 48 hours. 2 days. OMG!

What’s your next step? 

Don’t panic; just prepare! Glassdoor has got you covered. Complete with timing and strategy, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of essential ways to gear up for your interview and knock it out of the park. Ready, set, prep!

As soon as you hang up with the recruiter:

1. Study for your interview like it’s a final exam.

  • Find as much information as you can on the company or organization, and commit as much of it to memory as possible.
  • If the job you’re interviewing for requires knowledge in a certain field, do all of the learning and brushing up you can on information that will be relevant to your interview.

2. Generate a list of potential interview questions (and their answers!) beforehand.

  • Base your list of questions on both what you expect them to ask and the real life experience of others
  • Reach out to people who worked in similar companies and positions as you are interviewing for and ask them about their interview experience
  • Use tools like Glassdoor’s interview question database to look up real interview questions and their answers.

The 45 Questions You Should Ask In Every Job Interview

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36 hours before the interview:

3. Write out answers to every question you anticipate, and practice delivering them out loud.

  • Even if you don’t remember your responses word for word, you can fall back on certain key points and phrases.
  • Write your own list of questions for the interviewer, and be prepared to ask them when the time arises.
  • Make sure your questions are nuanced and well-researched. Never ask for any information that can be simply found online.

4. Compare your skills and experience to the job description.

  • For each component of the job description, brainstorm your relevant skills and experiences, and think critically about how you want to present them.
  • If there’s a preferred skill or experience you do not have, be able to demonstrate you’ll be competent without it.

How to Read a Job Description

12-24 hours before the interview:

5. Be rested and healthy for the big day.

  • Before getting good night’s sleep, try to imagine yourself acing the interview.
  • Eat wholesome, healthy meals for the days preceding the interview.
  • If you are prone to anxiety, try breathing techniques or meditation the morning of the interview, and even directly before.

3-6 hours before the interview:

6. Dress for success

  • Keep your fashion choices subdued and classic – don’t wear clothes that will distract the interviewer.
  • If you’re unclear on what type of clothes to wear, don’t be afraid to reach out to your interviewer and ask.
  • Wear clothes you feel confident in. Don’t be afraid to invest in an “interview outfit” or two that you feel your best in.

7. Empower yourself

  • Practice a firm handshake, strong posture, and attentive body language in advance.
  • Think of a mantra you can call upon for self-confidence, like, “no matter what, I will do my best.”
  • Try to imagine yourself not getting the job. While it might be painful to think about, what can you see yourself having learned from the interview experience?

8. Don’t leave any unnecessary unknowns.

  • Plan what to bring (extra copies of your resume!) and even what transportation you are taking to the interview way in advance, so there’s no added uncertainty the day of.

How to Interview for Your First Management Role

During the interview:

9. Keep an interview journal

  • During or even after your interview is over, take a few minutes to jot down what parts you felt you aced, and where you could have shone brighter. These notes can serve as a valuable guide for your future interviews.

6-12 hours after the interview:

10. Follow up.

  • Extending the conversation shows that you’re passionate about the job. Don’t call every day asking if you got the job, but a simple thank you note can speak volumes about your commitment to the position.
  • And if you didn’t get the job? Let them know if you’re still interested, and ask what you can do to be a more attractive candidate in the future. | November 5, 2018 | Posted by Lillian Childress

#CareerAdvice : This is How to Bring Up your Nightmare Boss During a #JobInterview … #InterviewingQuestion to You- If I Were to Ask your Former Boss to Describe you, What Would they Say? Yes, you Can Be Honest, but Within Reason.

If I were to ask your former boss to describe you, what would they say?

Every inch of your being wants to exclaim loudly what a nutjob your horrible boss was, but you need to figure out a way to talk positivelyabout your bad experience. Come off as too critical, and recruiters won’t want to move forward with your application.

So don’t go into a job interview without thinking about how you’ll talk about your terrible boss. Having a clear plan of how you’ll answer this inevitable question can help you make the right impression in your interview.

Here are some ways to strategically talk about your bad boss:


When asked about a bad employer, you should be honest, but not go overboard. Having only positive experiences with employers is not realistic, and there’s nothing wrong with talking about it in an objective, non-emotional way.

For instance, Liz got along with her boss almost all the time. However, she did not like how work schedules were chosen. In an interview, Liz could talk about how much she loved her last job and employer but didn’t care for the short notice given when her upcoming work schedule came out. This shows that she can talk about a problem in a respectful way, rather than complaining about how her boss ruined her life.


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Sara’s situation was a little different. She really did not get along with her boss. After working at her last job for more than two years, Sara was passed over for a promotion. The job was given to Jeff. He only worked at the company for six months before becoming Sara’s manager.

Sara thought she was more qualified for the job than Jeff. But she should avoid mentioning the flaws she saw in Jeff and being passed over for the position. That could make her look bitter and immature. Instead, she should focus on the fact that she wanted to find a new challengeelsewhere.


If every cloud has a silver lining, every bad job experience has taught you a valuable lesson. For example, Liz’s complaint about work schedules is legitimate. Finding out when you’re required to work for the coming week so late makes it difficult to schedule your life outside of work.

Liz did manage to become a pro at utilizing her limited free time. In her interview, Liz could say, “It was challenging not having a consistent schedule at work, but it allowed me to learn how to better manage my time. I’ve learned how to prioritize the tasks in my life that I need to accomplish instead of becoming overwhelmed. ”


It’s unlikely you hated everything about your job. The biggest reason Sara decided to pursue a new job was she felt she was not valued at work. However, she loved her actual job.

In addition to providing as little information as possible about a bad former boss, Sara should talk positively about what she enjoyed doing at her job. By turning the focus back on what she was accomplishing and away from the negatives, Sara will look like an employee who is focused on her work and not on unproductive problems.


A big reason people look for a new job is they want something different. The driving force behind starting your job search could include being unhappy with your employer, but rarely are people only looking for the exact same job with a new boss.

Both Liz and Sara should consider what they hope to get out of a new job. Mentioning a desire for more responsibility, a structured schedule or a better opportunity for advancement are all ways to mention negative problems from their last job but show they’re looking for solutions.

While it might feel good to tell anyone who will listen just how much you hated your boss, it’s not going to get you a job. Showing that you’re able to address a negative situation while remaining positive will help make the best impression in your interview. | October 24, 2018 | BY HEATHER HUHMAN—GLASSDOOR 3 MINUTE READ

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – 8 Secrets #Recruiters Won’t Tell You (But Really Want To)…There is Confidential Information that, Unfortunately, Recruiters Cannot Divulge.

Recruiters may seem intimidating, but they genuinely want the best for both candidates and the company. Good recruiters want you to have the best experience possible during the application and interview process — but even though they want the best for you, there are some things that they just can’t share.

Salary bands, candidate competition, internal HR tactics — let’s just call them trade secrets. They are the confidential information that, unfortunately, recruiters cannot divulge.

To get to the truth, we reached out to Omer Molad, CEO/Founder of Vervoe, a recruiting company that replaces face-to-face interviews with online simulations for small and medium-sized businesses. Molad built his business on the premise that hiring is painful, and he has unique insight into the frustrations and insights of recruiters.

Here are a few of the secrets that Molad says recruiters won’t tell you, but really want to.

1. “We could have gone higher if you had negotiated.”

Salary negotiations are like a game of poker — both job seekers and recruiters are trying to maintain control and win the hand. “Very few (if any) recruiters will be so bold as to say ‘we took advantage of you and we don’t value you highly,’” says Molad. In fact, there is often a salary band or range that recruiters have for each role. Their initial salary offer is very rarely at the top of their salary band, so base pay — as well as benefits like vacation days, work hours, etc. — can usually be negotiated.

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2. “Don’t go overboard with buzzwords — we can tell.”

It’s smart to include keywords in your resume and to come off as knowledgeable about your particular industry. However, “don’t try to look smarter than you really are,” says Molad unabashedly. Authenticity is key. Recruiters and employers want your personality to shine — not your ability to throw out words and phrases like “synergy,” “move the needle,” “ROI,”feed the funnel,” etc.

“It’s not about specific questions or answers that stand out, but rather the candidates who display a great deal of passion about what they do that really stand above the rest,” says employer Academy Sports + Outdoors.

3. “You never had a chance after that bad first impression.”

Your mother was right: first impressions are everything. And according to Molad, few recruiters can get past a bad first impression. Unreturned phone calls, poor manners and clumsy interviews will all hurt your chances of moving on to the next round. Hiring managers and recruiters will bite their tongues, fighting back the desire to say, “We just don’t like you,” says Molad. However, take it from us: You must really dazzle if you’d like to make up for a rocky first impression.

“Interviewers often care more about the likability of entry-level candidates than whether or not they’re actually qualified for the job,” says career coach Peter Yang. “This is because the person interviewing you will often also be your future boss and mentor, so it makes perfect sense that they would want to hire someone whom they personally like and want to work with. A strong interview performance means establishing a strong connection with your interviewer. Try to show off your personality instead of just answering questions robotically. You can even get a bit personal if you’d like to.”

4. “Your references weren’t very flattering.”

If a recruiter or hiring manager had doubts about you, they won’t let you know if unflattering references just confirmed their doubts, Molad says. “Your references should talk about your strengths in specific situations — not just basic information,” adds HR expert Jordan Perez. “[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][References] should be ready to provide examples of actual projects where you exceeded expectations. Your reference should easily cite one or two situations that highlight your strengths.”

“Bad references can ruin your candidacy as much as good ones can strengthen it,” says Sam Keefe, Digital Marketing Manager at AVID Technical Resources. Her advice to ensure that only the good shines through? “Give only references who will say positive things about you. Work hard to build good working relationships with coworkers and bosses.”

5. “I back-channeled you, and found out the truth.”

Backdoor references, or back-channeling, is one of the sneaky ways hiring managers and recruiters gather more information about you — it refers to when employers reach out to mutual connections in order to get their honest opinion of you. “This phenomenon is even more prevalent in the last five years or so because of LinkedIn’s growing popularity,” says Keefe. “Even if you choose not to give anybody there as a reference, backdoor references can reveal the skeletons in your closet. Backdoor references can be especially common when you’re looking for a job in sectors like tech.”

6. “We already gave the job to an in-house employee.”

Unfortunately, it’s perfectly legal to advertise a job that is almost certain to be filled by an insider. In fact, some research has shown that internal hires generally perform better than external ones. However, “phantom jobs” can be downright annoying when you’re looking for a new position. Even though federal labor rules don’t require employers to post openings, many HR departments require roles to be listed on a job board for some period of time to ensure a fair hiring process. Therefore, Molad says, don’t expect recruiters to come right out and say, “It was a beauty parade to show management we ran a process, but it was a sham and you were never really considered.”

Instead, shake it off and get back on the horse — there are plenty of opportunities out there, and the job that fits your life is just a few clicks away.

7. “Your last few social media posts were deal-breakers.”

Roughly 80 percent of recruiters and hiring managers use social media to look for and vet job candidates, making it extremely important to have a professional presence on the Internet.

“Hiring managers are reviewing social media pages to become educated about the background and brand the person is articulating and to look for red flags,” says Alan Weatherbee, senior vice president of talent search for Allison+Partners. “They aren’t using it to find ways not to hire someone who is qualified, but to make sure they present themselves in an accurate way.”

According to employment experts, you should make sure that your social media pages, whether it’s LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, mesh with what you’re saying on your resume, cover letter and other application materials. After all, no one is going to hire someone who claims to be a head of marketing in their resume while their Facebook page is full of complaints about their job answering phones at an advertising company.

Janet Elkin, Chief Executive of workplace staffing company Supplemental Healthcare, says you want to make sure your social media pages are void of any political comments, inflammatory messages or anything else that might offend the person who might just hold your future in their hands.

8. “The team is dragging its feet waiting for another candidate’s response.”

Even the most direct recruiters and hiring managers will hesitate to tell you that you’re “Plan B,” says Molad. So if an employer seems to be dragging its feet or delaying in giving you the green light to proceed — or the red light that you’re not right for the role — chances are they have another candidate in the pipeline.

Don’t take it too personally — being a runner-up isn’t a horrible thing. Often times, other candidates fall out of the running because of personal circumstances or other job offers. Being number two still means you are in contention. If you feel like a recruiter is slowing your process down in order to accommodate a preferred candidate, use it as a challenge to convince the recruiter of your awesomeness and your true fit for the role.

No matter what, remember that the secrets recruiters keep are withheld with the business in mind, not because they are trying to be malicious. If you are faced with any of these, the right opportunity probably just hasn’t come your way yet. Don’t be afraid to be upfront with a recruiter and communicate both your concerns and your goals. |  
