#JobSearch : What You Need To Do To Successfully Bounce Back From A Layoff. Downsizings will Continue Until Inflation Falls from Around 8% to 2%.

The job market abruptly ricocheted from a war for talent to layoffs becoming commonplace. The Federal Reserve Bank’s inflation-fighting measures include raising interest rates, and leading companies to downsize employees to cut costs.

Downsizings will continue until inflation falls from around 8% to 2%. This may take one to two or more years. Many Americans will, unfortunately, lose their jobs. Here is what you need to do if you are laid off from your company.

Work On Your Mental Health And Emotional Well-Being

Losing your job is a traumatic event. There is a loss of income, fear of what to do next and a loss of identity that’s wrapped up with your career. It’s normal to feel anger and resentment. You’ll feel depressed and anxious. The loss of your routine will be disorienting. There will be an absence of the esprit de corps you had with your work buddies.

It’s easy to start feeling isolated and adrift. You avoid talking to people, dreading the point when they ask about your job and you have to relive the painful experience all over again. Many people who lose their jobs socially withdraw. They are ashamed of the job loss, their ego is wounded and it takes a toll on their self-esteem.

Take some time to process what happened. Don’t bottle your emotions. Share with your family and friends what happened. It’s okay to grieve and feel sorry for yourself–just for a while. Then, you need to move forward. If it’s hard to bounce back, seek help from a therapist.


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Hiring Managers Want Positive People–Not Complainers

If you carry the resentment baggage to an interview, it won’t go over well. Interviewers are attracted to positive, enthusiastic and motivated candidates. If you come across angry or talk poorly about your former boss, co-workers and company, it’s not a good look. The hiring manager may feel that you are a malcontent who blames everything on others. It may be hard, but cast aside your negative feelings.

Show up to an interview exuding confidence. When the subject of the layoff comes up, say, “My manager said that this was no reflection on my work. In fact, she said that I was one of the top performers. Unfortunately, with the mass layoff, I was impacted. Despite the temporary setback, I’m excited about the future. This may have pushed me to try something new. If I weren’t let go, I’d probably be with the company for another five or more years. Now, I have the chance to pursue new and exciting opportunities. I’m so happy to be here for this interview. The job looks great. I love your company’s mission and my skills are a perfect fit. If I wasn’t let go, I would never have thought of applying. It’s great how things can turn out so positive.”

Looking For A Job Is Your New Job

Get in touch with recruiters, career coaches and résumé writers. Contact people in your network to see if they know of any job openings. Target the companies you want to work for and find out if you know anyone who works there. Ask them to share your résumé, along with a recommendation for the job you want at the organization. Go on LinkedIn to post comments, articles and short-form videos to position yourself as an expert in your field to gain attention. Put together an elevator pitch. Practice role-playing commonly asked interview questions.

The Practical Logistics

Although your emotions will run high, don’t sign a severance or other agreements without evaluating them appropriately. Get everything you discuss at the exit interview and with management in writing, so there are no surprises down the road. Consider asking for a reference for when you start interviewing. Find out how your termination will be positioned in future references.

As you leave, remain professional and don’t burn any bridges by getting into ugly fights and no-win battles that could work against you when you seek a new job. Was there another– possibly discriminatory or illegal–reason why they fired you (i.e. race, religion or age)?

File for unemployment. Start preparing how you will position this event to prospective interviewers. If you’ve been putting off any healthcare appointments, make them now while you still have coverage.

Stay Active

Use this time to start a physical exercise routine to keep you occupied and healthy. Exercise, walk, do yoga or Pilates, join pick-up basketball games or ride your bike.

Utilize this time to catch up on all new developments within your field. Maintain a positive attitude, no matter how hard it is to do so. Consider finding temporary, part-time work or some management consulting. Start thinking about your next career move. Help others or volunteer.

Don’t ever give up hope. Keep pushing forward and remain positive and strong. The best-case scenario is that you will find an even better job and earn more money than before.


Forbes.com | November 10, 2022 | Jack Kelly