#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – It’s August – Great Time To #JobHunt .

John identified himself as a 57-year old Program Director at a large company saying he was calling because he wanted career counseling and résumé assistance. He asked to book an appointment in mid-September. I inquired as to why he was waiting over a month. This Baby Boomer said, “It’s August, and I’ve decided that I want to enjoy summer so I’ll start looking again in September. Besides I heard that hiring really slows down in August. I’ve got a vacation and two kids starting at two different schools. So my job search is getting paused.”

John’s mistake is good news for you if you are actively job hunting. Many job hunters do take August until mid-September off meaning less competition for you. This summer, most employers are actively hiring. Trading Economics states there are 7.3 million job opportunities out there right now, and you only need one! So are you going to look for a new job this month of August? I highly encourage you to stay active and search for that dream job you want.

Here are a few ways to use your time more effectively.

1.     Use a Targeted Résumé. Your résumé needs the right keywords targeted to the job you seek. Results, outcomes, accomplishments — these are what employers want to see. Revise your resume, so it’s top-notch. If you are applying for jobs and not getting any interviews (or the right interviews), your résumé needs professional help, and a revamp.

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2.     Select 20 companies of interest. Conduct some job market research. Use Google and Indeed.com to develop your list. Consider your current employer’s competitors or vendors. Look at each organization’s website and check out their job listings. Note that many of the Fortune 500 companies only list all their job openings on their websites. Colleges, universities and government jobs will only be found on their own website. Go to Glassdoor.com and read what employees are saying about the culture. Is this a place you really want to work? Talk to colleagues, friends or neighbors who work at a company you are interested in and get the inside scoop on what it is like to work there.

3.     Get busy on LinkedIn. Network! Network! Network! Review your contacts. Who do you know that works at these companies? Create a compelling email with a teaser about your background and skills. Ask contacts for the names of recruiters or the hiring manager. Send an email to them, noting the connection who referred you. If you don’t have many recruiter and HR connections, look for colleagues who do. If you need more HR and recruiter contacts, I have over 3,000, so connect with me. Did you know that 63% of all jobs are found using networking? It pays off to seek out help from others.

4.     Practice before your interview. Expect to get a screening phone call about your résumé and background. Always have your résumé nearby or copied to your phone for quick reference. Write out answers to questions you think you’ll be asked. Rehearse so you can smoothly answer questions like: Why should I hire you? and What is your greatest weakness? Research the job, manager and company so you are clear about the position and duties. Prepare questions you will ask that are focused on learning more about the job functions.

Let August be your secret weapon while most other people have stopped job hunting for a few weeks.

Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Check out my website or some of my other work here.

I am a career counselor that helps clients land jobs. I offer Resume Writing, LinkedIn Profile Writing, and Interview Coaching services. I’ve appeared on Oprah,DrPh

Forbes.com | August 13, 2019