#JobSearch : The Reality & Myths of a Head Hunter/Recruiter Finding You a Job. How/When to Maximize them in your Job Search. MUst REad!

Remember, Headhunters Job is to Fill a Ticket, Not to Find you a Job.

#YourCareer : Today’s Woman’s Guide for Career Change. Welcome your Comments. Great Read!

This article unfolds six potent tips to propel the career prospects of the astute working woman, with a sharp focus on career transitions.

#JobSearch : 8 Simple Steps To Help You Navigate A Layoff. 2023 has seen a 200% Increase in Overall Layoffs, More to Come. Great Read.

Creating a framework for your job search activity, anchored with SMART goals, helps you hold yourself accountable on a daily basis.

#YourCareer : Career Change At 50: It’s Not Too Late. Question- How Did you Manage the Change? Welcome your Comments.

With careful planning, it’s feasible to successfully launch a new career later in life.

#JobSearch : How To Automate Sending Out Thousands Of Job Applications. However, ‘Be Cautious’. Do you Have an AI Generated Resume?

According to a March 2023 iCIMS survey, 39% of hiring professionals revealed that job applicants using AI to write their résumé or cover letter is a “definite deal-breaker.

#YourCareer : 3 Tips To Ask For A Raise In An Uncertain Economy. In a Down Economy, Timing is Everything! How Did you Ask?

Before you even think about scheduling a meeting with your supervisor, do your homework, but READ this First.

#JobSearch : 70% Of Workers Lie On Resumes, New Study Shows. 80% Lie During Job Interview. Recruiters, Does this Surprise You?

List of the top lies job seekers tell on their resumes.

#YourCareer : Why it Pays to Provide Recommendations to Others on LinkedIn. How Many Recommendations do You Have or Better, Given?

One of LinkedIn’s most vital, yet neglected, goals is to obtain as many recommendations from past supervisors, bosses, peers, and co-workers as possible to enrich your profile.

#JobSearch : What Is The Magic Number For How Many Résumés To Send Out? For Some, The Answer Exceeds 500. What’s Your Number?

If you bombard a company with résumés and application submissions for over a dozen different job listings, this approach will epically fail.

#JobSearch : The Truth about Job Boards & How to Use Them in a Job Search. How to Maximize your Chances. MUst REad for All!

By following thеse stratеgiеs and bеst practicеs outlinеd in this guidе, you can navigatе thе job board landscapе with confidеncе and incrеasе your chancеs of finding your drеam job.